articol de periodic |
1997 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 49-1-2 |
NICULESCU, Ecaterina (autor)
NICULESCU, Ana (autor)
Energy levels of a donor in a quantum-well with a magnetic field |
75-80 |
articol de periodic |
1998 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-3-4 |
NICULESCU, Ecaterina (autor)
BENA, Rodica (autor)
NICULESCU, Ana (autor)
Energy levels in semiparabolic quantum wells |
255-259 |
articol de periodic |
1999 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-5-6 |
NICULESCU, Ecaterina (autor)
NICULESCU, Ana (autor)
Electronic properties of [(UnSe)m(CdSe)n]nZnSe multiple quantum wells |
429-435 |
articol de periodic |
2016 |
Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-3 |
SCHIPOR, Sorina (autor)
VLĂDOIU, Suzana (autor)
BACIU, Ancuța (autor)
NICULESCU, Ana (autor)
CARAGHEOPOL, Andra (autor)
IANCU, Iulia (autor)
PLEȘA, Adriana (autor)
POPESCU, A. (autor)
MANDA, Dana (autor)
A comparative analysis of three methods used for RNA quantitation |
1178-1188 |