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  • 8 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1998 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 43-10 BONCIOCAT, Nicolae (autor) , MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) , SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) Potentiometric method of determining the relative standard gibbs energies of transfer of ions across ities. III 897-901
articol de periodic 1998 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 43-11 MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) , BONCIOCAT, Nicolae (autor) , BORDA, Mircea (autor) , SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) Electrical tension across the ities, in open circuit, treated as a "mixed potential" I. 1003-1009
articol de periodic 1998 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 43-8 BONCIOCAT, Nicolae (autor) , MIHAILCIUC, Constantin (autor) , SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) Potentiometric merthod of determining the relative dtandard GIBBS energies of transfer of ions across the ities.I. 681-686
articol de periodic 1998 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 43-9 BONCIOCAT, Nicolae (autor) , SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) , MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) Potentiometric method of determining the relative standard cibbs energies of transfer of ions across the ities II. Experimentaql method 805-809
articol de periodic 2004 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 49-6 SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) , ROMAN, Eugen (autor) , SPĂTARU, Nicolae (autor) Electrodeposition of cobalt oxide on conductive diamond electrodes for catalytic sensor applications 525-530
articol de periodic 2005 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 50-2 SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) , JOSCEANU, Ana (autor) , SPĂTARU, Nicolae (autor) Amperometric detection of nitrite at conductive diamond electrodes 147-151
articol de periodic 2007 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 52-12 SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) , MARCU, Maria (autor) , SPĂTARU, Nicolae (autor) Composite electrode material with catalytic activity obtained by electrochemical deposition of polypyrrole and platinum on titanium substrates 1131-1136
articol de periodic 2009 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 54-9 SPĂTARU, Tanța (autor) Electrochemical deposition of hydrous ruthenium oxide on conductive diamond films and its application to phenol oxidation in acidic media 733-739