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Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 17 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-7-8 STAN, C. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) , CAIAN, M. (autor) The structure of stationary planetary waves in winter 795-807
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , PANTEA, A. (autor) , STOICA, R. (autor) , AMARANDEI, C. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) New data about historical earthquakes occorred on the Romanian Territory 239-248
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-7-8 CUCULEANU, V. (autor) , UNGUREANU, I. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Study on the relationship among radiative forcing, albedo and cover fraction of the clouds 987-999
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-7-8 BALMEZ, M. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) On the formation mechanism of low-level jet over Bucharest airports 792-807
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-9-10 LABZOVSKII, I. (autor) , TOANCĂ, F. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Determination of saharian dust proprieties over Bucharest, Romania. Part 1: procedures and algorithms 1084-1096
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-9-10 BARBU, N. (autor) , GEORGESCU, F. (autor) , ȘTEFĂNESCU, V. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Large-scale mechanisms responsible for heat waves occurrence in Romania 1109-1126
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-9-10 BARBU, N. (autor) , CUCULESCU, V. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Modeling the precipitation amounts dynamics for different time scales in Romania zsing multiple regression approach 1127-1149
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-7-8 IRIZA, A. (autor) , DUMITRACHE, R. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Numerical modelling of the Bucharest Urban Heat Island with the WRF-Urban system 810
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-7-8 IRIZA, A. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) , DUMITRACHE, R. (autor) Numerical simulation of the Bucharest urban heat Island with the WRF nodeling system using different land-use data 811
articol de periodic 2004 Romanian Reports in Physics, 56-4 BĂLĂCEANU, C. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) The assessment of the TSP particulate matter in the urban ambient air 757-768
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 GEORGESCU, F. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Cyclonic activity over Romania in connection with the air circulation types 878-886
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-2 ANTONESCU, Bogdan (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) The urban effect on the cloud-to-ground lightning activity in the Bucharest area, Romania 535-
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-3 BOSTAN, D. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) New algorithm to improve the cloudiness data set over Eastern part of Romania 795-806
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-4 CĂRBUNARU, D. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) , BURCEA, S. (autor) Weather radar velocity field configurations associated with severe weather situations that occur in South-Eastern Romania 1454-1468
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Reports in Physics, 66-3 ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) , UNGUREANU, I. (autor) , GRIGORAȘ, C. (autor) A survey of cloud cover Măgurele, Romania, using ceilometer and satetellite data 823-822
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 BOSTAN, D. (autor) , MANEA, Elena (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) Total and partial cloudiness distribution in Eartern Romania 1117-1127
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Reports in Physics, 69-1 TOANCA, F. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) , LABZOVSKII, L. (autor) , BELEGANTE, L. (autor) , ANDREI, S. (autor) , NICOLAE, D. (autor) Study of fog events using remote sensing data 703