articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-1-2 |
VARLAM, C. (autor)
ȘTEFĂNESCU, I. (autor)
FAURESCU, I. (autor)
VAGNER, I. (autor)
FAURESCU, D. (autor)
BOGDAN, D. (autor)
Establishing routine procedure for environmental tritium concentration at ICIT |
233-239 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-1-2 |
FAURESCU, I. (autor)
FERU, A. (autor)
VARLAM, C. (autor)
FARESCU, D. (autor)
VAGNER, I. (autor)
CUNA, S. (autor)
COSMA, C. (autor)
Use of C-14 and environmental isotopes to estimate aquifer recharge conditions |
250-356 |
articol de periodic |
2011 |
Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 |
SAHAGIA, M. (autor)
LUCA, A. (autor)
WATJEN, A.C. (autor)
ANTOHE, A. (autor)
IVAN, C. (autor)
STĂNGĂ, D. (autor)
VARLAM, C. (autor)
FAURESCU, I. (autor)
RORO, L. (autor)
NODITI, M. (autor)
CASSETTE, P. (autor)
Results obtained in measurements of Rn-222 with the romanian standard system |
682-691 |