articol de periodic |
MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor)
BĂRBULESCU, F. (autor)
Etude conertique sur la solvolyse du diphenylchloromethane |
153-162 |
articol de periodic |
RIPAN, Raluca (autor)
EGER, I. (autor)
MIREL, Constantin (autor)
Proprietes de quelques sels de l'ester O,O-diethylique de l'acide dithiosphorique III. Spectres infra-rouges de quelques sels de l'ester O,O-duiethylique de l'acide dithiophosphorique |
163-168 |
articol de periodic |
SEGAL, Eugen (autor)
Cinetique de la decomposition thermique d'ammines comples. II |
169-175 |
articol de periodic |
SEGAL, Eugen (autor)
Cinetique de la decomposition thermique d'ammines comples. III |
177-183 |
articol de periodic |
RADOVICI, Octavian (autor)
Cinetique de corrosion d'un alliage d'Sl-Si-Cu-Mg |
185-191 |
articol de periodic |
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
STĂNOIU, Ileana (autor)
Sulfur cell windows for infrared spectra of aqueous solutions |
187-198 |
articol de periodic |
SAHINI, Victor (autor)
DAMASCHIN, M. (autor)
On the vibration frequencies of the coordinated carbonic anion |
193-196 |
articol de periodic |
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
BALABAN, Alexandru (autor)
Simple MO treatment of electronic spectra of five-membred aromatic heterocyles |
199-206 |
articol de periodic |
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
Der vorexponentielle faktor fur die thermische zersetzung der diazoverbindungen |
207-209 |
articol de periodic |
SIMON, Zeno (autor)
Strahlungslose ubergange und fluoreszenzfahigkeit bei molekulen.Derivate des diphenylmethylkations und andere torsionsfahige aromatische systeme |
211-216 |
articol de periodic |
DEMETRESCU, Cătălina (autor)
ELIAN, Mihai (autor)
Infrared spectra of substituted hydrazides derived from furylacrylic acid |
217-228 |
articol de periodic |
SPACU, Petru (autor)
ALBESCU, Ileana (autor)
DRAGOMIR, Eugenia (autor)
Refraktometrische untersughungen des La(NO#)3-MeNO3-systemms in wasseriger losung |
265-274 |
articol de periodic |
SPACU, Petru (autor)
ANTONESCU, Elena (autor)
MAVRODIN, Maria (autor)
ȘERBAN, Silvia (autor)
Contributions to the quantitative determination and the separation of rare earths from other elements |
275-285 |
articol de periodic |
POPA, Grigore (autor)
BAIULESCU, Gheorghe (autor)
MOLDOVAN, S. (autor)
Die amperometrische bestimmung von Hf)IV) mittels tartrazin und flavazin L (freie saure) |
287-289 |