articol de periodic |
MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor)
BĂRBULESCU, Florica (autor)
GREFF, Aura (autor)
Sur la conductibilite de l'acide chlorhydrique dans des melanges d'alcool-eau. (note preliminaire) |
387-391 |
articol de periodic |
MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor)
SEGAL, Eugen (autor)
Cinetique de la deshydratation des cristaux-hydrates IV. La deshydratation du tetraborate de sodium decahydrate |
393-397 |
articol de periodic |
RIPAN, Raluca (autor)
SZEKELY, Z. (autor)
KISS-IMREH, Gabriela (autor)
La variation de l'indice de refraction des solutions aqueusees de UO2(NO3)2 |
399-405 |
articol de periodic |
DRĂGULESCU, Coriolan (autor)
TRIBUNESCU, P. (autor)
MENESSY, Iuliu (autor)
Uber komplexe berylliumoxalate |
407-420 |
articol de periodic |
SPACU, Petru (autor)
MAVRODIN, Maria (autor)
Gravimetric determination of rare earths with dioximaleic acid |
421-424 |
articol de periodic |
SPACU, Petru (autor)
MAVRODIN, Maria (autor)
A method for separating the rare earths from Uranium , Iron and Manganese |
425-428 |
articol de periodic |
PONI, Margareta (autor)
IORGA, Nicolae (autor)
BOSTAN, M. (autor)
Sels complexes avec l'acide 5-nitrobarbiturique. III. Complexes de l'acide 5-nitrobarbiturique avec le cerium et des bases pyridiniques |
429-437 |
articol de periodic |
TRIBUNESCU, P. (autor)
DRONCA, E. (autor)
IR-spektren der silber-und thallium-kobalt(III)-cyanide |
439-448 |
articol de periodic |
NĂȘCUȚIU, Tiberiu (autor)
GRIGOROVICI, Aurora (autor)
Paper chromatographic separation of tantalum, niobium and hafnium |
449-456 |
articol de periodic |
FĂRCAȘIU, D. (autor)
On the isomerization of propylbenzenes with water-promoted aluminium chloride |
457-465 |
articol de periodic |
HODOȘAN, Francisc (autor)
ȘERBAN, Nicolae (autor)
Infrared absorption of the steroidal 3,5-dienic system in the region 400-1000 cm-1 |
467-470 |
articol de periodic |
AVRAMOVICI, S. (autor)
GABE, Iulian (autor)
ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor)
Uber die struktur der benzalacetophenon-semicarbazone und-thiosemicarbazone |
471-480 |
articol de periodic |
LUCA, Constantin (autor)
POPA, Grigore (autor)
ENEA, O. (autor)
Benutzung der glaselektrode zur bestimmung der mittleren saltzsaureaktivitats-koeffizienten in methanol-wasserlosungen |
481-487 |