Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor) , POPESCU, Ludmila (autor) Diffusion potentials in molten salts 737-752
articol de periodic CONTINEANU, Mihai. (autor) , ONCESCU, Tatiana (autor) , SCHINDLER, R. (autor) Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal decomposition of Azibenzil. II. Studies in the absence of a solvent 753-760
articol de periodic CONTINEANU, Mihai. (autor) , PODINĂ, C. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, V. (autor) MASS spectrum of diphenyldiazomethane 761-765
articol de periodic RADOVICI, Octavian (autor) , MAVRODIN-TĂRĂBÎC, Maria (autor) , ONACA, Ioana (autor) , SOLACOLU, I. (autor) Contribution a l'etude de la source chimique de courant Zn/MOH/O2. I. L'efficacite electrochimeque d'une pile a cathode activee avec de l'argent 767-776
articol de periodic SINHA, Shyama (autor) Simple HMO-calculations on some N-heterocyclic ligands of analytical importance 777-787
articol de periodic SINGUREL, Ligia (autor) , SINGUREL, G. (autor) On the oscillation spectrum of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) in solution 789-795
articol de periodic VODNAR, J. (autor) The study of the decomposition of organoc hydroperoxides on cation exchanges. II. Decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide on fine granulated vionit CS-1 in static conditions 797-802
articol de periodic FRUMA, Alexandru (autor) , CIOMÎRTAN, D. (autor) , BRAȚOVEANU, I. (autor) , NICOLESCU, I. (autor) Die struktur des mit Lithium und titan dotiertem aluminiumoxyd 803-808
articol de periodic BIRADAR, S.N. (autor) , MIHALE, V.B. (autor) , KULKARNI, V.H. (autor) Titanium (IV) chloride complexes with cobalt (II) chelates of tetradentate schiff bases 809-814
articol de periodic KHAN, Irshad (autor) , HASHMI, Anwar (autor) Studies on coordination compounds . Thiourea and phosphine complexes of Ni(II) and Co(II) 815-821
articol de periodic VARHELYI, Casaba (autor) , GĂNESCU, Ion (autor) , PREDA, M. (autor) Uber &-dioximinkomplexe der ubergansmetalle. XXXVI. Neue dimethylglyoximin-chalate des kobalts (III) mit &.&'-dipyridyl und o-phenantharolin 823-828
articol de periodic ALBESCU, Ileana (autor) Contributions to the study of Lanthanides with biguanide derivatives. VI. Halogeno-and pseudohalogeno-compounds of Lanthanides 829-840
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Chemical Graphs. XVI. Intramolecular isomerizations of octahedral complexes with six different ligands 841-854
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Chemical Graphs. XIX. Intramolecular isomerizations of trigonal-bipyramidal structures with five different ligands 855-862
articol de periodic AVRAM, Margareta (autor) , DINULESCU, I. (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , NENIȚESCU, Costin (autor) Investigations in the cyclobutane series. XXXII. The addition of bromine to derivatives of exo.exo-tetracyclo( dodeca-3.11-diene 863-872
articol de periodic BĂRBULESCU, N. (autor) , MORARU, M. (autor) , ȘOTCĂ, D. (autor) Bicyclo(3.3.1) nonane the acid-catalyzed reactions of a bicyclic epoxide 873-881
articol de periodic IOVU, M. (autor) , CÎMPEANU, G. (autor) Tris-esthers. I. La condensation du bis(chloromethyle) ether avec les phenoxyde, methyle-et dimethyle-phenoxydes de sodium 883-888
articol de periodic TĂRĂBĂȘANU-MIHĂILĂ, C. (autor) , FLORU, L. (autor) , BALTĂ, Eugenia (autor) , PREDESCU, A. (autor) Heterocyclic serivatives with thiazolic rings. I. Synthersis of 6-aminothiazolo(4,5-f)indazole 889-898
articol de periodic EL-ABBADY, A.M. (autor) , OMARA, M.A. (autor) , KANDUII, B.G. (autor) y-Keto acids in the pfitzinger reaction 899-905
articol de periodic VASILESCU, D. (autor) , ȘTEFĂNESCU, Maria (autor) , BĂLĂNESCU, Alexandru (autor) The polymerization of N-vinylcarbazole by the systems acrylonitrile-ZnXl2 and acrylonitrile-HgCl2 907-912
articol de periodic COSTACHE, D. (autor) , SASU, S. (autor) Kinetic determination of vanadium by the reaction between pyrogallol bromine red and potassium bromate 913-917