articol de periodic |
MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor)
ȘERBAN, Marilena (autor)
On the viscosity of molten metals. III. Activation energy |
591-596 |
articol de periodic |
MARKOV, B. (autor)
TISHURA, T. (autor)
BUFARINA, A. (autor)
Thermochemical study of binary salt systems |
597-602 |
articol de periodic |
VÎLCU, Rodica (autor)
COMAN, B. (autor)
Determination of heat capacities of some alcohols and ketones in vapour phase |
603-609 |
articol de periodic |
ONACA, Ioana (autor)
SOLACOLU, I. (autor)
L'etude de la reaction d'oxydation de l'hydrogene sur les electrodes poreuses en Nickel. III. La determination des parametres de fonctionnement |
611-618 |
articol de periodic |
BREZMES, B. (autor)
CASADO, J. (autor)
MATA, F. (autor)
Influencia de la acidez del medio sibre la reaccion entre las aminas primaris alifaticas y el acido nitroso |
619-625 |
articol de periodic |
BOURCEANU, G. (autor)
ABABI, V. (autor)
POPA, Gheorghe (autor)
Transformation of the toluene-water mixture in the frequency discharge plasma. II. Influence of the power and besidence time |
627-632 |
articol de periodic |
PETROVICI, E. (autor)
CSUNDERLIK, C. (autor)
FEREMCZ, A. (autor)
DRĂGULESCU, Coriolan (autor)
New complexone type ligands. I. meso-2,3-diaminosuccinic-N,N'-diacetic acid (DSDA) and its salts |
633-636 |
articol de periodic |
AVRAM, Eliza (autor)
DINULESCU, I. (autor)
CHIRALEU, F. (autor)
ȘLIAM, Elvira (autor)
Reaction of acetylenes with transition metzals. V. beta-cleavage in -alkyl-palladium complexes |
637-641 |
articol de periodic |
MAKKAY, Klara (autor)
HIDIȘAN-TĂUȚEAN, Leontina (autor)
IONESCU, Maria (autor)
Formation and behaviour of 4-oxazolidones. XII. An advantageous method for obtaining 2,5-diaryloxazoles |
643-649 |
articol de periodic |
CATRINA, Elena (autor)
SIMON, Zeno. (autor)
CATRINA, Gheorghe (autor)
Structure of thiazolidinic compounds by the del method |
651-655 |
articol de periodic |
VARHELYI, Csaba (autor)
ZSAKO, Janos (autor)
BOARIU-FARKAS, Marta (autor)
Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. VIII. Thermal decomposition kinetics of some (Cobalt(II)X2(amine)2) type complexes |
657-663 |
articol de periodic |
DRAGOTĂ, I. (autor)
FEYNS, I. (autor)
Potential anticancer agens. IX. Synthesis of new urethane type nitrogen mustards from benzo-and naphthopyrans |
665-675 |
articol de periodic |
TOMESCU, Margareta (autor)
PUSZTAI, Kalman (autor)
Recherches dans le domaine de la copolymeriration multicomposante en utilisant un ordinateur |
677-685 |
articol de periodic |
DRĂGAN, Gheorghe (autor)
Amorphous-crastalline coupling in polyethylene. II. DTA study of the crystalline morphology in chlobinated polyethylene |
687-698 |
articol de periodic |
POPESCU, F. (autor)
PETRARIU, Ioan (autor)
PERCEC, Simona (autor)
Le comportement thermique des copolymeres styre-divinylbenzene chlorometryles contenant des groupes quaternaires d'ammonium |
699-719 |
articol de periodic |
UNGUREANU, Ana (autor)
LITEANU, Candin (autor)
A new method for the synthesis of triacetyl phosphate |
721-722 |
articol de periodic |
FRUMA, Alexandru (autor)
Druckwasseereaktoren fur Kernkraftwerte - Oldekop W. |
723-723 |
articol de periodic |
FRUMA, Alexandru (autor)
Magnete: Grundlagen, Aufbau, Anwendungen - Schinel G. |
724-724 |
articol de periodic |
CIOMÎRTAN, D. (autor)
Sea weeds chemistry - Simionescu Cristofor, Rusan Viorica, Popa Valentin |
1191-1191 |