Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CRĂESCU, C. (autor) , ȚUGULEA, M. (autor) A molecular orbital study of the pra-substituent efect in benzoic acids 783-787
articol de periodic BRORISOV, A.A. (autor) , SKACIKOV, G.I. (autor) , SAMAMSKII, V.M. (autor) , COSTEA, Cornelia (autor) , LISHANSKII, V. (autor) Applicability of the "freezing in " method for studying the kinetics of chain reactions 789-797
articol de periodic VLAD, M. (autor) , SEGAL, Eugen (autor) On zhe kinetic model of the rate-determining. Step. I 799-805
articol de periodic VLAD, M. (autor) , SEGAL, Eugen (autor) The general form of wegsheider's cyclicity conditions 807-808
articol de periodic HUSAIN, M. (autor) , GUPTA, A. (autor) , MISRA, S.N. (autor) Relation between the lattice energy, molar entropy and interionic equilibrium distance of some crystalline substances. II 809-814
articol de periodic GHEORGHIU, Constanța (autor) , BICHIR, Mariana (autor) , MĂRCULESCU, Cristinela (autor) , DIAMANDESCU, L. (autor) , BARB, D. (autor) Contributions to the coordination chemistry of s-triazines. IV. Coordination compounds of iron(III) with melamine 815-821
articol de periodic IFTIKHAR, S. (autor) , NAQVI, Imam (autor) Distribution of various complexed and uncomplexed uranium species in a partially oxidised solution of U(IV) polyamino carboxylate complexes 823-825
articol de periodic MEGHEA, Aurelia (autor) The kinetics of the oxidation of substituted anilines with sodium chlorite 827-831
articol de periodic DINULESCU, I. (autor) , PRASAD, H. (autor) , ENESCU, Lucian (autor) , GHENCIULESCU, Aurelia (autor) , AVRAM, Margareta (autor) Rearrangement of exo to endo benzocyclobutenonorbornene skeleton during solvolytic bromine addition 833-837
articol de periodic EL-HASHASH, M. (autor) , HOSNI, G. (autor) , EL-KADY, M. (autor) Alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons with beta-(3,4-dichloro)-benzoylacrylic acid 839-848
articol de periodic MAHMOUND, M. (autor) , EL, Hashash (autor) Some reactions with 4H.3,1-benzoxoxazin-4-one and some studies on the growth of bacteria 849-858
articol de periodic QUINTEIRO, M. (autor) , SEOANE, C. (autor) , SOTO (autor) Sintesis de heterociclos. IX. 4.H-piranos a partir de &-bezoilcinamatos de etilo 859-964
articol de periodic TOMESCU, Margareta (autor) A study on the multicomponent copolymers acrylonitrile-methscrylic acid-styrene - vinylidene chloride 865-874
articol de periodic BANSAL, Narottam (autor) On the unified theory of polarographic waves 875-880
articol de periodic VLĂDESCU, Luminița (autor) , VOICU, Dănuța (autor) Separation et concentration du Cerium(IV) au moyen des resines echangeuses de cations 881-885
articol de periodic CLACK, D.W. (autor) Angular dependence of overlap. II. d.f and f-f terms 887-897
articol de periodic ISMAIL, M.F. (autor) , SHAMS, N.A. (autor) , ABDEL, RAHMAN (autor) , PATEEN, A.K. (autor) 3-pyridazonyl acids and some serivatives 899-905
articol de periodic VARMA, R.P. (autor) , DAYAL, R. (autor) Physical properties of aqueous strountium and nickel soap solutions 907-915
articol de periodic JERCAN, Elena (autor) , MUȘAT, Cristina (autor) Separation avec des echangeurs d'ions des complexes EDTA-metalliques 915-921
articol de periodic BABALAN, Alexandru (autor) Coordination Chemistri-17 - Weiss E. 923-923
articol de periodic BABALAN, Alexandru (autor) Cyclodextrin Chemistry - Bender M., Komiyama M. 923-924
articol de periodic BABALAN, Alexandru (autor) Organic Compounds: Syntheses/Stereochemistry/Reactivity 924-925
articol de periodic BABALAN, Alexandru (autor) Polymerization of Hetrerocycles - Penczek S. 925-925
articol de periodic DRĂGUȚAN, Valerian (autor) Lecture Notes in Chemistry. Vol. 8 925-926
articol de periodic SĂNDULESCU, D. (autor) Laser Spectroscopy III. 926-926
articol de periodic MARCHIDAN, Dumitru (autor) Structure and Stability of Salts of Halogen Oxycids in the Solid Phase - Solymosi F. 927-927
articol de periodic CONȚESCU, C. (autor) Heteroepitaxial Semiconductors for Electronic Devices - Cullen G.W. 927-928