Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor) , MINCU, Gabriela (autor) Kinetics and mechanism of oxidoreduction reaction of the hydroxosquibisoxalato Co(III) complex with iodine ion in neutral medium 779-783
articol de periodic SAHINI, Victor (autor) , VOLANSCHI, Elena (autor) Electronic structure and UV-spectra of dibenzo (b,e)-thiepine derivatives 785-793
articol de periodic CIOCHINA, Alin (autor) , VÎLCU, Rodica (autor) Transient hot wire method for absolute and simultaneous measurement of thermal contivity and thermal diffusivity of fluids 795-804
articol de periodic SYAMAL, A. (autor) , GUPTA, B.K. (autor) New cobalt(II) complexes with tridentate dibasic ono donor ligands 805-809
articol de periodic ZĂLARU, Florica (autor) , IONESCU, D. (autor) , MEGHEA, Aurelia (autor) , CORNEA, Felicia (autor) , GHEORGHIU, Constanța (autor) Coordination compounds of Cu(II) with some triazenoimidazole derivates 811-817
articol de periodic VARMA, R.P. (autor) , KUMAR, A. (autor) Conductance behaviour of aqueous solutions of alkaline earth metal butyrates 819-824
articol de periodic ISSA, Y.M. (autor) , HINDAWEY, A.M. (autor) , EL-ANSARY, L. (autor) , ISSA, R.M. (autor) Spectroscopic investigation of charge transfer complexes of methyl pyridines with aromatic nitrocompounds 825-830
articol de periodic SURPĂȚEANU, Gheorghe (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, M. (autor) , LUCHIAN, C. (autor) , PETROVANU, M. (autor) , ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor) , LABLACHE-COMBIER, A. (autor) Theoretical study on the reactivity of cycloimmonium-ylides I. Reactivity of monosubstituted carbanion-ylides 831-839
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Emilian (autor) , GEORGESCU, Florentina (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) Derives dipolaires en serie quinazoliques. III. La quaternisation de la quinazoline avec les bromures de phenacyle 841-848
articol de periodic AFIFI, A.A. (autor) , EL-, Hashash (autor) , EL-KADY, S.S. (autor) Synthesis and reactions of some 2-aryl-4-arylidene-5(4)-oxazolones 849-855
articol de periodic MIHART, C. (autor) , RADULY, S. (autor) , SIMON, Zeno (autor) Molecular orbital studies for cyclophosphazene derivates. IV. All-valence electron calculations by the HMO and Del Re methods 857-961
articol de periodic CHIRIAC, Constantin (autor) Ethylene chlorophosphide as a new reagent for aromatic amide synthesis by a rect condensation reaction under very mild conditions 863-866