Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic VARTIRES, Iuliana (autor) , POPESCU, Veronica (autor) , MIHELIS, Angela (autor) Electrochemical behavior of the electroactive spinel type Co3O4 coatings 551-562
articol de periodic BÎLBĂ, Nicolae (autor) , BÎLBĂ, D. (autor) , MIHĂILĂ, Gheorghe (autor) , NAUM, N. (autor) Exchange of Zn2+ and Mn2+ in synthetic zeolites NaA, NaX and mordenite 563-569
articol de periodic KUMAR, Ashok (autor) , KATYAL, Mohan (autor) , PURI, B. (autor) Polarographic study of lead with -valetolactam and its analytical applications 571-575
articol de periodic IOVU, Mircea (autor) , RADU, Stelian (autor) Atomatic atoxybisethers 577-582
articol de periodic APETROAE, M. (autor) , SINGER, C. (autor) , BOZGA, Raluca (autor) , CILIANU, S. (autor) , CECLAN, Rodica (autor) , BÎNZARU, Tamara (autor) , SIMON, Zeno (autor) Structure activity relations by the free-Wilson and MTS methods from substances with a potential psychotropic activity. I. Diphenylether derivatives with neoroleptic activity 583-590
articol de periodic ABDEL-MEGEED, Mahomed (autor) Studies on pyridylpyrazolone system. V. Cyclocondensation of 1-phenyl-3-(3'-pyridyl)-2-pyrazolin-5-one with ethyl acetoacetate and related compounds 591-597
articol de periodic JUNCU, Gheorghe (autor) , MUNTEAN, Ovidiu (autor) , MIHAIL, Raul (autor) Gas absorption with a complex chemical reaction in a perfectly mixed chemical reactor 599-610
articol de periodic POMOJE-MARCU, Romulus (autor) , MAGYAR, Livia (autor) La flotation iono-moleculaire du Cu(II) avec collector ponilit CP.1. L'influence du pH sur le rendament de la flottation 611-616