Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ANDRUH, Marius (autor) , FILOTI, G. (autor) , BREZEANU, Maria (autor) On the electronic structure of bis(isothiocyanato)tetrakis(4-benzoyl-pyridine)iron (II) 673-676
articol de periodic RADU, O. (autor) , GHEORGHIU, Constanța (autor) As(III)-HCl-H2O system. II. Solid-liquid state 677-683
articol de periodic EPRELEIN, J. (autor) , BLAU, B. (autor) The UV-VIS-spectral behaviour of arylazo compounds. II. The UV-VIS absorption spectra of 4-amino-substituted azobenzenes 685-691
articol de periodic ABU, El-MADER (autor) , MOSTAFA, M.R. (autor) Kinetics and mechanism of acid hydrolysis of propionamide in methanol-water mixtures 693-698
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Chemical graphs. Part 49. Open problems in the area of condensed polycyclic benzoidns: topological stereoisomers of coronoids and congeners 699-707
articol de periodic IVANCIUC, Ovidiu (autor) Chemical graph polynomias. 1. The polynomial description of generalized chemical graphs 709-717
articol de periodic UNCUȚA, Cornelia (autor) , GHEORGHE, Mircea (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , PLĂVEȚI, Marieta (autor) , ELIAN, Mihai (autor) , BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Reaction of pyrylium salts with nucleophiles. XXI. Unexpercted formation of 6,6-dimethyl-5-isopropyl-2,4-cyclohexadienylidene-1-imines from primary amines and 2,6-diisopropyl-pyrylium salts 717-727
articol de periodic PETRIDE, Horia (autor) , RĂILEANU, Dan (autor) Mesoionic oxalones. II. Unstable non-acylated compounds 729-739
articol de periodic HISHMAT, O.H. (autor) , ABD, EL (autor) , EL-DIWANI, H.I. (autor) , ABU-BAKR, S.M. (autor) Synthesis of substituted furobenzopyrones 741-745
articol de periodic BACALOGLU, Isle (autor) , GLATT, Hans-Horst (autor) , BARRY, Mamadou (autor) Imine der animoazo E.5. Molekular-orbitalrechnungen in der reihe der benzyliden-aminoazole durch die MOSP-methode 747-751
articol de periodic GHEORGHIU, Mircea (autor) , OLTEANU, Emilia (autor) The stereochemistry of Olah's reduction of bicyclo(2.2.1)heptene derivatives. A proof for a concerted reaction mechanism 753-754
articol de periodic FAHMY, A.M. (autor) , HASSAN, K.M. (autor) , KHALAF, A.A. (autor) , AHMED, R.A. (autor) Synthesis of some new beta-lactams, 4-thiatolidinones and pyrazolines 755-761
articol de periodic JINESCU, Valeriu (autor) A fundamental property of matter. Part I 763-772