Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic POPA, Monica (autor) , ZAHARESCU, Maria (autor) Bi-based superconductors obtained by oxalate coprecipitation, containing Fe 907-913
articol de periodic VÎLCU, Rodica (autor) , PURICEL, Elena (autor) The study of infinite dilution activity coefficients for n-eicosane (1)+ solutes /2) systems 915-922
articol de periodic SÎRBU, Andrei (autor) , GHEORGHIU, Clementina (autor) , UDREA, Ion (autor) , BRADU, Corina (autor) Acrylic fibres as catalyst carriers. I 923-927
articol de periodic GADAGINAMATH, Guru (autor) , KAVALI, Rajesh (autor) Chemoselective reaction of 3,6-diacetylindole towards hydroxylamine: synthesis and antimicrobial activity of novel isoxazolo(4,5.f) indole derivatives 929-933
articol de periodic IONIȚĂ, Petre (autor) , CĂPROIU, Miron (autor) , BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) New sulfonyl derivatives of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and their supermolecular complexes with crow ethers or kryptands 935-941
articol de periodic SUNEL, Valeriu (autor) , POPA, Marcel (autor) , BASU, Cristina (autor) , POPA, Aura (autor) A new spectrophotometrical method for the determination of organic acid chlorides by means of oxazolones 943-947
articol de periodic MRACEC, Maria (autor) , OPREA, Tudor (autor) , MRACEC, Mircea (autor) Correlation between experimental electron affinities for aromatic derivatives and the values calculated with semiempirical MO methods 949-954
articol de periodic HOROBA, Liliana (autor) , TUDOSE, Radu (autor) Gravitational film flow in liquid-liquid systems 955-961