Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CAȘCAVAL, Constantin (autor) , ROȘU, Dan (autor) Behaviour of para-tert-butylphenol epoxy-acrylic resin in the presense of reactive diluents 671-677
articol de periodic BALAURE, Paul (autor) , FILIP, Petru (autor) Domino reactions - a versatile synthetic methodology in organic chimistry. Part I Homo-domino reactions 679-702
articol de periodic IOJOIU, Cristina (autor) , SAVA, Mitică (autor) , PINTEALĂ, Mariana (autor) , HARABAGIU, Valeria (autor) , ABADIE, Marc (autor) , SIMIONESCU, Bogdan (autor) La polymerisation photounduite sans photoamorceur du systeme hydroxybutyl vinyl ether/disiloxane phenylmaleimide 703-711
articol de periodic BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Florina (autor) , TRÎMBIȚAȘU, Eva (autor) , ANGHEL, Cristina (autor) Electrochemical behaviour of pure aluminium in neutral solutions un the presence and absence of aggresive anions 713-721
articol de periodic ABOU-EL-WAFA, M.H. (autor) , RABIE, U.M. (autor) Spectrophotometric and potentiometric studies on some schiff bases derived from salicylaldehyde and different amines 723-734
articol de periodic CARP, Oana (autor) Considerations on the thermal decomposition of urea 735-740
articol de periodic CĂRUNTU, Gabriel (autor) , GÎNJU, Dumitru (autor) , CHOISNET, Jacques (autor) , MOURON, Paule (autor) Teneur en oxygene des nouveaux cuprate T Nd1,2Sr0,8-xY(Ln)xCuO4-&(Ln=Ho,Er,Yb) 741-745
articol de periodic JOSCEANU, Ana (autor) , RUSE, Elena (autor) , LUCA, Constantin (autor) , CERBU, Eleonora (autor) Separation of amines in bi-and triphasic systems II Transport 747-755
articol de periodic ARSENE, Melania (autor) , STANCIU, Lia (autor) , PÎRLOG, Constanța (autor) Sol-gel entrapment of an oligomeric enzyme 757-762
articol de periodic GÎNSCĂ, Lucia (autor) , OPREAN, Ioan (autor) Exo-and endohormones. XIX 763-765
articol de periodic BRĂTULESCU, George (autor) Synthese de nouveaux derives substitues de la thiouree, potentiels pesticides et leur spectre RMN-H et IR 767-771
articol de periodic BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , DRĂGORESCU, Dana (autor) Vapour-liquid equilibria measurements by the static method 773-778
articol de periodic MRACEC, Maria (autor) , SAFTA, Marius (autor) , WIKETE, Cornelia (autor) , MRACEC, Mircea (autor) , COSTIȘOR, Otilia (autor) Steric and electronic considerations on N,N'-piperazin-dipropionic acid as ligard 779-786
articol de periodic IVANCIUC, Ovidiu (autor) Design of topological indides. Part 24 787-801
articol de periodic IONIȚĂ, Petre (autor) , CĂPROIU, Mirin (autor) , DRĂCHICI, Constantin (autor) Direct amination of 2,2-dihenyl-1-picrylhydrazine through a Meisenheimer complex 803-806