Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic GRIGORAȘ, Mircea (autor) , CĂTĂNESCU, Otilia (autor) , SIMIONESCU, Cristofor (autor) Poly(azomethine)s 927-939
articol de periodic MUTIHAC, Lucia (autor) , BUSCHMANN, Hans-Jurgen (autor) , DIACU, Elena (autor) , MUTIHAC, Radu (autor) Membranes and membrane processes. III 941-951
articol de periodic NAMIESNIK, Jacek (autor) , GORECKI, Tadeusz (autor) Quality of analytical results 953-962
articol de periodic CĂRUNTU, Gabriel (autor) , GRESPIN, Michele (autor) , CHOISNET, Jaques (autor) , QUCHETTO, Karim (autor) , GÎNJU, Dumitru (autor) New T phases on the Nd-Sr-Tb-Cu-O system 963-966
articol de periodic BÎRHALĂ, Alexandru (autor) , TEODORESCU, Mariana (autor) Measurement of vapour-liquid equilibria by ebulliometry 967-973
articol de periodic VASILESCU, Ecaterina (autor) , DROB, Paula (autor) , POPA, Mihai (autor) , MÎRZA-ROȘCA, Iulia (autor) , SANTANA, Lopez (autor) , ANGHEL, Maria (autor) Corrosion protection behaviour of some ternary titanium alloys in sulphuric acid solutions 975-982
articol de periodic GEANĂ, Dan (autor) , FEROIU, Viorel (autor) Thermodynamic properties of chlorine, nitrogen, oxigen and propylene using the GEOS3C equation of state 983-990
articol de periodic BONCIOCAT, Nicolae (autor) , PAPADOPOL, Emil (autor) , BORCA, Sergiu (autor) , MARIAN, Iuliu (autor) A new theoretical approach to the voltammetry with linear scanning of the potential. V 991-998
articol de periodic PĂTRÎNOIU, Greta (autor) , PAZRON, Luminița (autor) , STĂNICĂ, Nicolae (autor) , BOUROSH, Polina (autor) , SIMONOV, Yurii (autor) Complexes of iron(III) and iron(II) with morpholinebiguanide drug. Crystal structure of a new ligand morpholinebiguanide sulphaste (H2MBig)SO4-2H2O 999-1005
articol de periodic CZOBOR, Francisc (autor) , CRISTESCU, Carol (autor) As-triazine derivatives with potential therapeutic action. XXIX 1007-1011
articol de periodic LEU, Rodica (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , ENESCU, Lucian (autor) Rearrangement of exo-benzocloributeno-norbornene carbetox<aziridine in acidic media 1013-1017
articol de periodic HAMCIUC, Corneliu (autor) , HAMCIUC, Elena (autor) , SAVU, Ion (autor) , BRUMĂ, Maria (autor) , SZESZTAY, Marta (autor) Synthesis and characterization of new fluorinated poly(ester-imide)s 1019-1027
articol de periodic SAVA, Mitică (autor) , GĂINĂ, Constantin (autor) , GĂINĂ, Viorica (autor) Thermal studies of bismaleimides. I 1029-1034
articol de periodic RUSU, Gheorghe (autor) , RUSU, Elena (autor) , SINGUREL, Ghiță (autor) Fourier transform IR spectroscopic investigation of some anionic aliphatic polyamides 1035-1039
articol de periodic ILIESCU, Smaranda (autor) , ILIA, Gheorghe (autor) , POPA, Adriana (autor) , DEHELEAN, Gheorghe (autor) , MACARIE, Lavinia (autor) , PĂCUREANU, Liliana (autor) The study of the liquid-liquid interfacial polycondensation of the cyclohexylphosphonic dichloride with bisphenol A. I 1041-1946
articol de periodic IVANCIUC, Ovidiu (autor) Design of topological indides. Part 25 1047-1066
articol de periodic MISCHIE, Alice (autor) , BADEA, Florin (autor) , CĂPROIU, Miron (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, Titus (autor) The synthesis of the new chelating compounds, 6-(cholylox<methyl)-3-hydroxy-4H-pyran-4-one and 6-(N-(1-phenylethylsuccinamoylaoxy)methyl)-3-hydroxy-4H-pyran-4-one through a solid/liquid phase transfer procedure mediated by 18crowN6 ether 1067-1069