Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CARP, Oana (autor) Mixed oxides synthesis by oxalate method 1189-1202
articol de periodic CONTINEANU, Iulia (autor) , PREDESCU, Simona (autor) The enthalpies of combustion and formation of n-benzoly-&-alanine and 4-amino-hippuric acid 1203-1205
articol de periodic PLAXIENCO, Doina (autor) , RĂDULESCU, Valeria (autor) , LOLOIU, Teodora (autor) Determination of oxyfluorfen in soil samples 1207-1211
articol de periodic OPRIȘAN, Sorinel (autor) , FRANGOPOL, Petre (autor) Pattern formation in an electrochemical oscilatory system: an analytic and numerical survey 1213-1217
articol de periodic MRACEC, Maria (autor) , TUDOSE, Ramona (autor) , MRACEC, Mircea (autor) , COSTIȘOR, Otilia (autor) Conformational analysis of homodinuclear mixed.ligand complexes of irin)II). Iron(III) and cobalt(II) with a pyrazolone derivative and pyridine 1219-1227
articol de periodic BRĂTULESCU, George (autor) Reactions en milieu heterogene solide-liquide. Excellence voie de synthese des azo et azoxyoligomeres 1229-1233
articol de periodic GROZAV, Mața (autor) , NEAMȚIU, Ileana (autor) , LAICHICI, Maria (autor) , FĂGĂDAR-COSMA, Eugenia (autor) Synthesis of (aminoiminomethyl) thipacetic acid and some of its esters 1235-1241
articol de periodic GÎNSCĂ, Lucia (autor) , GOCAN, Alexandra (autor) , OPREAN, Ioan (autor) , SANDALĂ, Maxim (autor) , BUDAE (autor) Exo-and endohormones. XXI 1243-1248
articol de periodic ILIA, Gheorghe (autor) , ILIESCU, Smaranda (autor) , DEHELEAN, Gheorghe (autor) , POPA, Adriana (autor) , MACARIE, Lavinia (autor) , PĂCUREANU, Liliana (autor) Olefination of styrene-divinylbenzene copolymers by wittig-horner method using phase-transfer catalysis reaction 1249-1252
articol de periodic CURTEANU, Silvia (autor) , BULACOVSCHI, Victor (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, Mircea (autor) Diffusion-controlled vinyl polymerization. Modeling and simulation 1253-1261