Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BANCIU, Axente (autor) On the electronic spectra of the beta and &-alkyl-cobalt(III)corrinoids (beta=the"upper", &="Lower" axial position) 1265-1272
articol de periodic PERIȘANU, Ștefan (autor) Activity coefficients of organic electrolyte solutions. I 1273-1280
articol de periodic MELTZER, Viorica (autor) , BACIU, Ion (autor) , TOPALĂ, Carmen (autor) , PINCU, Elena (autor) Thermodynamic study of cholesteryl and stigmasteryl esters 1281-1284
articol de periodic MERCADER, Andres (autor) , CASTRO, Eduardo (autor) Improved correlations between 19F-MMR chemical shifts and physical chemistry properties in fluorohalohydrocarbons 1285-1292
articol de periodic DEHELEAN, Gheorghe (autor) , ILIESCU, Smaranda (autor) , ILIA, Gheorghe (autor) , POPA, Adriana (autor) , MACARIE, Lavinia (autor) , PĂCUREANU, Liliana (autor) Phase-transfer catalysis (PTC) in organophosphorus compounds synthesis 1293-1297
articol de periodic ISSAC, Yvette (autor) , ARSANIOUS, Mona (autor) , ABD, El-Nabi (autor) Synthesis of new quinazoline derivatives of expectected potential bioresponses 1299-1307
articol de periodic ȘERBAN, Sever (autor) , VULUGA, Zina (autor) , ROSETTI, Alexandru (autor) , FLOREA, Dorel (autor) , PĂINICĂ, Tudor (autor) La stabilite thermochimique des composites polymeres a base de PVC ayant des proprietes physico-mecaniques dirigees 1309-1316
articol de periodic GRIGOȘAȘ, Mircea (autor) Synthesis and polymerization of (9-anthryl)methyl crotonate 1317-1322
articol de periodic POPA, Marcel (autor) , ARNĂUTU, Monica (autor) , ABADIE, Marc-Jean (autor) , BULACOVSCHI, Victor (autor) Le silice functionnalisee avec des groupements azoiques - photoamorceur pour la polymerisation de quelques monomeres acraliques 1323-1330
articol de periodic IVANCIUC, Ovidiu (autor) Design of topological indides. Part 26 1331-1347