Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CAȘCAVAL, Constantin (autor) Characterization of copolymers by thermal degradation .3-13
articol de periodic BARANWAL, B.P. (autor) , DAS, S.S. (autor) , GUPTA, Tarkeswar (autor) , SINGH, Atresh (autor) Synthesis and characterization of some polynuclear mixed carboxylates of cobalt (II) 15-19
articol de periodic ZHU, Yuan-Chen (autor) , YAN, Shi-Cai (autor) , WU, Ji-Gui (autor) , DENG, Ru-WEN (autor) The study of binary and ternary complexes of some transitionn metal (II) ions involving vitamin B5 and imidazole in aqueous solutions by potentiometry 21-26
articol de periodic CACAL, Alexandru (autor) , PARASCHIVESCU, Andrei (autor) , COLISNIC, Dan (autor) , POPA, Karin (autor) , IORDAN, Alexandra (autor) Hydrogen qutput by catalytic radiolysis of water 27-31
articol de periodic CIREȘ, Lenuța (autor) , BOTOMEI, Valeria (autor) , HUMELNICU, Ionel (autor) , OFENBERG, Harry (autor) , NEIER, Reihard (autor) An efficient synthesis of 10-subtituted bento(b)phenantro(9,10-d)furans 33-37
articol de periodic LUPU, Stelian (autor) , TOTIR, Nicolae (autor) , MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) , LETE, Cecilia (autor) Study of the electrochemical response of prussian blue films toward potassium ions 39-43
articol de periodic POPA, Adriana (autor) , DAVIDESCU, Corneliu (autor) , ILIA, Gheorghe (autor) , ILIESCU, Smaranda (autor) , DEHELEAN, Gheorghe (autor) , TRIF, Radu (autor) , PĂCUREANU, Liliana (autor) , MACARIE, Lavinia (autor) Synthesis characterisation and antibacterial activity of quaternary phosphonium salts bonded on poly(oxyethylene)s 45-52
articol de periodic CHIPURICI, Petre (autor) , PAPAHAGI, Lambrache (autor) , CRISTESCU, Constantin (autor) , DUȚĂ, Ileana (autor) , GAVRILĂ, Adina (autor) Liquid phase oxidation of para-tert-butyl toluene 53-59
articol de periodic BUTUFEI, Olga (autor) , ENESCU, Cristesc (autor) , MARINACHE, Daina (autor) Etude des copolymeres indeniques paqr spectroscopie en infrarouge 61-65
articol de periodic MARCU, Maria (autor) Catalytic prewave of cobalt in the ptresence of thiophenol 67-71
articol de periodic MUREȘAN, Simona (autor) , MINAILIUC, Ovidiu (autor) , DIUDEA, Mircea (autor) , PEJOV, Ljpco (autor) Modeling herbicidal activity of phosphorus containing compounds by Szeged indices 73-80