Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BREZEANU, Maria (autor) List of papers of professor Maria Brezeanu 357-365
articol de periodic TUDOR, Violeta (autor) , MARIN, Geanina (autor) , KRAVTSOV, Victor (autor) , SIMONOV, Yurii (autor) , JULYE, Miguel (autor) , LLORET, Frances (autor) , ANDRUH, Marius (autor) Supramolecular copper(II) dimers resulted from hydrogen bond interactions: synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic properties 367-371
articol de periodic ROTARU, Andrei (autor) , JURCA, Bogdan (autor) , MOANȚĂ, Anca (autor) , SĂLĂGEANU, Ion (autor) , SEGAL, Eugen (autor) Kinetic study of the thermal decomposition of some aromatic ortho-chlorinated azomonothers. 1 373-378
articol de periodic CAREJA, Valentin (autor) , MRACEC, Mircea (autor) , SAYTI, Ludovic (autor) , SISU, Eugen (autor) , TUDOSE, Ramona (autor) , SIMON, Zeno (autor) Comparative study of some ionic bridges implying calcium and magnesium cations by computational methods 379-383
articol de periodic SUCIU, Camelia (autor) , PATRON, Luminița (autor) , MÎNDRU, Ioan (autor) , CARP, Oana (autor) Nickel aluminate spinel by thermal decomposition of polynuclear malațe complexes 385-389
articol de periodic ROȘU, Tudor (autor) , NEGOIU, Maria (autor) , CÎRCU, Viorel (autor) Mixed -ligand complexes. Ternary copper (II) complexes with aminoacids 391-396
articol de periodic BANCU, Laura (autor) , BOUROSH, Polina (autor) , JITARU, Ioana (autor) , SIMONOV, Yurii (autor) , LIPKOWSKI, Janusz (autor) Synthesis and structural characterization of a new cadmium complex with cytosine 397-401
articol de periodic CECAL, Alexandru (autor) , BALAN, Anca (autor) , MELNICIUC-PUICA, Nicoleta (autor) , POPA, Karin (autor) Use of beta-rays backscattering to study the crystallization process of simple salts from solutions 403-408
articol de periodic STĂNESCU, Michaela (autor) , RUS, Adina (autor) , GIURGINCA, Maria (autor) , GURAN, Cornelia (autor) New dibentobicyclo(2.2.2)octane derivatives 409-412
articol de periodic PETRIDE, Horia (autor) , DRĂGHICI, Constantin (autor) , FLOREA, Cristina (autor) , MAGANU, Maria (autor) , UDREA, Silvia (autor) E/Z isomerism of some diformamides 413-423
articol de periodic HULUBEI, Camelia (autor) , MORARU, Simona (autor) Alternating copolymers from n-(4-formylphenoxy-4'-carbonylphenyl)maleimide 425-433
articol de periodic MORARIU, Simona (autor) , BERCEA, Maria (autor) Gels based on poly(ethylene oxide)-laponite mixtures 435-438
articol de periodic BADEA, Irinel (autor) , VLĂDESCU, Luminița (autor) , PATRICHI, Arabela (autor) Simultaneous determination of vitamin E and vitamin H1 by first derivative spectrometry in an ointment preparation 439-445
articol de periodic DAVID, Vasile (autor) , BĂRCUȚEAN, Corina (autor) , GEORGITA, Cristina (autor) , MEDVEDOVICI, Andrei (autor) Non-miscible solvent large volume injection-HPLC/DAD method for determination of butylated hydroxyanisole in lovastatin and simvastatin pharmaceutical formulations 447-453
articol de periodic MOLDOVAN, Zenovia (autor) , ALEXANDRESCU, Laurenția (autor) , PIȚIGOI, Mădălina (autor) Simultaneous estimation of some polymer aditives by the spectrotometric method 455-461
articol de periodic TARKO, Laszlo (autor) New molecular descriptors for hydrogen bonding potential 463-471