Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic KUMBILIEVA, Krasssimira (autor) , PETROV, Lachezar (autor) Reaction mechanism and deactivation modes of heterogeneous catalytic systems 425-430
articol de periodic BOGĂȚIAN, Mariana (autor) , HÎRTOPEANU, Anca (autor) , NICOLESCU, Alina (autor) , CHIRALEU, Filip (autor) , MAGANU, Maria (autor) , VÎNĂTORU, Mircea (autor) , SIMION, Demetra (autor) , DELEANU, Călin (autor) Pyrylium salts with long alkyl substituents and derived pyridinium salts 431-437
articol de periodic IONIȚĂ, Gabriela (autor) Inclusion complexes between beta-cyclodextrin and biradicals with a rigid aromatic skelet 439-445
articol de periodic MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) , LUPU, Stelian (autor) Electrodeposition, characterization and application of Pt/CoHCF modified electrode 447-452
articol de periodic MIHALCIUC, Constantin (autor) , LUPU, Stelian (autor) Electrodeposition, characterization and application of Pt/P3MT modified electrode 453-457
articol de periodic BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Florina (autor) , STANCA, Angela (autor) , MITITEANU, Liviu (autor) Corrosion protection of industrial cooling water systems by using new organic polymers as inhibitors 459-469
articol de periodic STAN, Ioan-Răducan (autor) , TOMOAIA-COTIȘEL, Maria (autor) , STAN, Aurelia (autor) , BORZAN, Cristina (autor) The effect of surface active compound adsorption on free drop deformations 471-479
articol de periodic STAICU, Teodora (autor) , MICUTZ, Marin (autor) , CRISTESCU, Gabriela (autor) , LECA, Minodora (autor) Temperature influence on surfactants adsorption ontopoly(vinyl acetate) latices prepared via surfactant-free emulsion polymerization 481-487
articol de periodic RĂDULESCU, Roxana (autor) , BOLOCAN, Ion (autor) , VASILESCU, San (autor) Chemical transformation of poly(styrene-alt-meleic anhydride) with p-amino-n, diethylaniline 489-496
articol de periodic ISTRATI, Daniela (autor) , POPESCU, Angela (autor) , MIHĂIESCU, Dan (autor) , SARAMAT, Ioana (autor) , BALAȘU, Mihaela (autor) Flow-vacuum pyrolysis of polycyclic compound.. 25 497-503