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Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic OMOTA, Ligia (autor) , IULIAN, Olga (autor) , CIOCÎRLAN, Oana (autor) , NIȚĂ, Irina (autor) Viscosity of water, 1,4-dioxane and dimethyl sulfoxide binary and ternary systems at temperatures from 293.15 K to 313.15 K 977-988
articol de periodic PETRE, Mihaela (autor) Solubility of propylene and propane gases in n-methylpyrrolidone and dimethylformamide solvents 989-993
articol de periodic BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Florina (autor) , GOLGOVICI, Florentina (autor) The electrochemical behaviour of some composite coatings obtained by electrosynthesis on metallic substrate 995-1005
articol de periodic PÎRVU, Cristian (autor) , BANU, Alexandra (autor) , RADOVICI, Octavian (autor) , MARCU, Maria (autor) Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to study of phenolic films 1007-1015
articol de periodic DIMONIE, Doina (autor) , RADOVICI, Constantin (autor) , COSEREA, Ramona (autor) , GÎREA, Sorina (autor) , TEODORESCU, Mircea (autor) The polymer molecular weight and silicate treatment influence upon the morphology of nanocomposites for food packaging 1017-1026
articol de periodic DRAGU, Dan (autor) , BUDA, Mihai (autor) Practical aspects associated with the use of Jacobi polynomials in the simulation of quasi-reversible electrode processes with linear potential scan and diffusional control in one dimension 1027-1039
articol de periodic VASILE, Gabriela (autor) , TĂNASE, Ion (autor) Comparative study of different extraction methods for evaluation of biovailabillity of terrestrial sediment - bound metallic elements 1041-1049
articol de periodic MOLDOVAN, Zenovia (autor) , IONESCU, Florica (autor) , VASILESCU, Ioana (autor) , LIȚEANU, Simono (autor) , ALEXANDRESCU, Laurenția (autor) HDPE-EPDM thermoplastic vulcanizates mechanical and IR spectrometric properties 1051-1057
articol de periodic BODÎRLAU, Ruxanda (autor) , TEACĂ, Carmen (autor) Softwood chemical modification by reaction with organic anhydrides 1059-1064
articol de periodic AJJI, Zaki (autor) Radiation-induced preparation of gypsum/poly(methyl acrylate) composites 1065-1068
articol de periodic PURI, Annemarie (autor) , BĂDĂNOIU, Alina (autor) , VOICU, Georgeta (autor) Eco-friendly binders based on fly ash 1069-1076