articol de periodic |
RODRIQUES, A.S. (autor)
LI, K. (autor)
ACHILLEOS, V. (autor)
KEVREKIDIS, P. (autor)
BENDER, C. (autor)
PT-symetric double-erll potentials revisited: bifurcations, stability and dynamics |
.5-26 |
articol de periodic |
EBADI, Ghodrat (autor)
YOUSEFZADEH, Nazila (autor)
BHRAWY, A. (autor)
KUMAR, Sachim (autor)
TRIKI, Houria (autor)
YILDIRIM, Ahmet (autor)
BISWAS, Anjan (autor)
Solitons and other solutions to the (3+1) - dimensional extended Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with with power law nonlinearity |
27-62 |
articol de periodic |
KUMAR, Devendra (autor)
SINGH, Jagdev (autor)
SUSHILA (autor)
Application of homotopy analysis transform method to fractional biological population model |
63-75 |
articol de periodic |
JAFARIAN, A. (autor)
GHADERI, P. (autor)
GOLDMANKHANEH, Alireza (autor)
Construction of soliton solution to the Kadomitsev-Perviashvili - II Equation using homotopy analysis method |
76-83 |
articol de periodic |
GOLDMANKHANEH, Alireya (autor)
FAZILOLLAHI, Vahideh (autor)
BĂLEANU, Dumitru (autor)
Newtonian mechanics on fractals subset of real-line |
84-93 |
articol de periodic |
SADATI, S.J. (autor)
CHADERI, R. (autor)
RANJBAR, N. (autor)
Some fractional comparison results and stability theorem for fractional time Delay sistems |
94-102 |
articol de periodic |
RAICEVIC, N. (autor)
Precision measurement of the proton structure at Hera |
103-113 |
articol de periodic |
PICIRIC, Ivana (autor)
Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at the Hi experiment |
114-121 |
articol de periodic |
CUCIUC, M. (autor)
CIUBANCAN, M. (autor)
TUDORACHE, V. (autor)
TUDORACHE, A. (autor)
PĂUN, R. (autor)
STOICEA, G. (autor)
ALEXA (autor)
Building and testing an infrastructure for studying proton-proton colliosions at TeV scale |
122-132 |
articol de periodic |
IONESCU, Evelina (autor)
STÎNGĂ, Doru (autor)
DULIU, Octavian (autor)
The free release of the materials resulting from the decommiassioning of the VVR-S research reactor |
133-146 |
articol de periodic |
VASILE, G. (autor)
VASILE, Mădălina (autor)
SALANDRE, T. (autor)
DULIU, Octavian (autor)
On line patient position check for breast irrasdiation treatments |
147-154 |
articol de periodic |
NEACȘU, Beatris (autor)
CÎMPEANU, Cătălina (autor)
BARNA, Cătălina (autor)
Rasdionuclidic purity - an essential parameter in quality control of radiopharmaceuticals |
155-167 |
articol de periodic |
SCARLAT, F. (autor)
VERGA, N. (autor)
Arbsorbed dose distributions using the isodensitometric method for exposures with filter employed for mammographies |
168-177 |
articol de periodic |
CHICEA, Dan (autor)
CHICEA, Radu (autor)
CHICEA, Liana (autor)
HSA particle size characterization by AFM |
178-185 |
articol de periodic |
NISTOR, Leona (autor)
NISTOR, Sergiu (autor)
GHICA, Daniela (autor)
Low temperature tem investigation of electron beam induced decomposition of nanocrystalline hydrozincite into ZnO |
186-192 |
articol de periodic |
KOSTIC, R. (autor)
GAJIC, R. (autor)
M-point phonon eigenvectors of graphene obtained by group projectors |
193-203 |
articol de periodic |
JITIAN, Simion (autor)
The ellipsometrical study of adsorption-desorption of the corrosion inhibitors on metallic surfaces |
204-212 |
articol de periodic |
NEDELCEA, A. (autor)
VOICU, F. (autor)
MARIN, D. (autor)
BÎRJEGA, R. (autor)
DINESCU, Maria (autor)
Structure and morphology of indium nitride rhin films grown by plasma assisted PLD: the impact of nitrogen flow and substrate temperature |
213-218 |
articol de periodic |
LUPU, Andreea (autor)
GEORGESCU, N. (autor)
Cell death V79-4 and He-La cell lines induced by chemically activated cold atmospheric plasma jets |
219-229 |
articol de periodic |
MANKOUR, M. (autor)
BELARBI, A.W. (autor)
HARTANI, K. (autor)
Modeling of atmospheric clow discharge characteristics |
230-245 |
articol de periodic |
RĂDULESCU, Cristiana (autor)
STIHI, Claudia (autor)
POPESCU, Ion (autor)
IONIȚĂ, Ionica (autor)
DULAMĂ, Ioana (autor)
CHILIAN, Andrei (autor)
BĂNCUȚĂ, Oana (autor)
CHELĂRESCU, Elena (autor)
LET, Dorin (autor)
Assesment of heavy metals level in some perennial medicinal plants by flame atomic absoeption spectrometry |
246-260 |
articol de periodic |
MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor)
APOSTOL, A. (autor)
MOLDOVAN, A. (autor)
IONESCU, C. (autor)
PLACINTA, A. (autor)
The bio-location method used for stress forecasting in Vrancea (Romania) seismic zone |
261-270 |
articol de periodic |
APOSTOL, A. (autor)
MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor)
MOLDOVAN, A. (autor)
IONESCU, C. (autor)
PLĂCINTĂ, A. (autor)
The bio-location method used to map crustal faults in Vrancea (Romania) seismic zone |
271-284 |
articol de periodic |
BALA, A. (autor)
ARION, C. (autor)
ALDEA, A. (autor)
In situ borehole measurements and laboratory meassurements as primary tools for the assessment of the seismic site effects |
285-298 |
articol de periodic |
CHIRUȚĂ, C. (autor)
The influence of the radiation pressure in the binary W UMi system, using the Popovici Model |
299-308 |
articol de periodic |
LARRANAGA, Alexis (autor)
JIMENEZ, Juan (autor)
Komar energy and generalized Smarr formula for a charged black hole inspired by noncommutative geometry |
309-315 |
articol de periodic |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Petruța (autor)
ȚINȚĂREANU, Ovidiu (autor)
BĂLEANU, Dumitru (autor)
Fractional calculus analysis of the cosmic microwawe background |
316-323 |