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articol de periodic RODRIQUES, A.S. (autor) , LI, K. (autor) , ACHILLEOS, V. (autor) , KEVREKIDIS, P. (autor) , FRANTZESKAKIS, D. (autor) , BENDER, C. (autor) PT-symetric double-erll potentials revisited: bifurcations, stability and dynamics .5-26
articol de periodic EBADI, Ghodrat (autor) , YOUSEFZADEH, Nazila (autor) , BHRAWY, A. (autor) , KUMAR, Sachim (autor) , TRIKI, Houria (autor) , YILDIRIM, Ahmet (autor) , BISWAS, Anjan (autor) Solitons and other solutions to the (3+1) - dimensional extended Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with with power law nonlinearity 27-62
articol de periodic KUMAR, Devendra (autor) , SINGH, Jagdev (autor) , SUSHILA (autor) Application of homotopy analysis transform method to fractional biological population model 63-75
articol de periodic JAFARIAN, A. (autor) , GHADERI, P. (autor) , GOLDMANKHANEH, Alireza (autor) Construction of soliton solution to the Kadomitsev-Perviashvili - II Equation using homotopy analysis method 76-83
articol de periodic GOLDMANKHANEH, Alireya (autor) , FAZILOLLAHI, Vahideh (autor) , BĂLEANU, Dumitru (autor) Newtonian mechanics on fractals subset of real-line 84-93
articol de periodic SADATI, S.J. (autor) , CHADERI, R. (autor) , RANJBAR, N. (autor) Some fractional comparison results and stability theorem for fractional time Delay sistems 94-102
articol de periodic RAICEVIC, N. (autor) Precision measurement of the proton structure at Hera 103-113
articol de periodic PICIRIC, Ivana (autor) Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at the Hi experiment 114-121
articol de periodic CUCIUC, M. (autor) , CIUBANCAN, M. (autor) , TUDORACHE, V. (autor) , TUDORACHE, A. (autor) , PĂUN, R. (autor) , STOICEA, G. (autor) , ALEXA (autor) Building and testing an infrastructure for studying proton-proton colliosions at TeV scale 122-132
articol de periodic IONESCU, Evelina (autor) , STÎNGĂ, Doru (autor) , DULIU, Octavian (autor) The free release of the materials resulting from the decommiassioning of the VVR-S research reactor 133-146
articol de periodic VASILE, G. (autor) , VASILE, Mădălina (autor) , SALANDRE, T. (autor) , DULIU, Octavian (autor) On line patient position check for breast irrasdiation treatments 147-154
articol de periodic NEACȘU, Beatris (autor) , CÎMPEANU, Cătălina (autor) , BARNA, Cătălina (autor) Rasdionuclidic purity - an essential parameter in quality control of radiopharmaceuticals 155-167
articol de periodic SCARLAT, F. (autor) , SCĂRIȘOREANU, A. (autor) , VERGA, N. (autor) Arbsorbed dose distributions using the isodensitometric method for exposures with filter employed for mammographies 168-177
articol de periodic CHICEA, Dan (autor) , CHICEA, Radu (autor) , CHICEA, Liana (autor) HSA particle size characterization by AFM 178-185
articol de periodic NISTOR, Leona (autor) , NISTOR, Sergiu (autor) , GHICA, Daniela (autor) Low temperature tem investigation of electron beam induced decomposition of nanocrystalline hydrozincite into ZnO 186-192
articol de periodic DAMLJAMOVIC, V. (autor) , KOSTIC, R. (autor) , GAJIC, R. (autor) M-point phonon eigenvectors of graphene obtained by group projectors 193-203
articol de periodic JITIAN, Simion (autor) The ellipsometrical study of adsorption-desorption of the corrosion inhibitors on metallic surfaces 204-212
articol de periodic STOKER-CHEREGI, F. (autor) , NEDELCEA, A. (autor) , VOICU, F. (autor) , MARIN, D. (autor) , BÎRJEGA, R. (autor) , DINESCU, Maria (autor) Structure and morphology of indium nitride rhin films grown by plasma assisted PLD: the impact of nitrogen flow and substrate temperature 213-218
articol de periodic LUPU, Andreea (autor) , GEORGESCU, N. (autor) Cell death V79-4 and He-La cell lines induced by chemically activated cold atmospheric plasma jets 219-229
articol de periodic MANKOUR, M. (autor) , BELARBI, A.W. (autor) , HARTANI, K. (autor) Modeling of atmospheric clow discharge characteristics 230-245
articol de periodic RĂDULESCU, Cristiana (autor) , STIHI, Claudia (autor) , POPESCU, Ion (autor) , IONIȚĂ, Ionica (autor) , DULAMĂ, Ioana (autor) , CHILIAN, Andrei (autor) , BĂNCUȚĂ, Oana (autor) , CHELĂRESCU, Elena (autor) , LET, Dorin (autor) Assesment of heavy metals level in some perennial medicinal plants by flame atomic absoeption spectrometry 246-260
articol de periodic MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , APOSTOL, A. (autor) , MOLDOVAN, A. (autor) , IONESCU, C. (autor) , PLACINTA, A. (autor) The bio-location method used for stress forecasting in Vrancea (Romania) seismic zone 261-270
articol de periodic APOSTOL, A. (autor) , MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , MOLDOVAN, A. (autor) , IONESCU, C. (autor) , PLĂCINTĂ, A. (autor) The bio-location method used to map crustal faults in Vrancea (Romania) seismic zone 271-284
articol de periodic BALA, A. (autor) , ARION, C. (autor) , ALDEA, A. (autor) In situ borehole measurements and laboratory meassurements as primary tools for the assessment of the seismic site effects 285-298
articol de periodic CHIRUȚĂ, C. (autor) The influence of the radiation pressure in the binary W UMi system, using the Popovici Model 299-308
articol de periodic LARRANAGA, Alexis (autor) , JIMENEZ, Juan (autor) Komar energy and generalized Smarr formula for a charged black hole inspired by noncommutative geometry 309-315
articol de periodic TENREIRO, MACHADO (autor) , ȘTEFĂNESCU, Petruța (autor) , ȚINȚĂREANU, Ovidiu (autor) , BĂLEANU, Dumitru (autor) Fractional calculus analysis of the cosmic microwawe background 316-323