articol de periodic |
URSU, Ioan (autor)
NICULA, A. (autor)
Electron spin resonance of the Mn(II) ion in zeolites |
343-350 |
articol de periodic |
PURICA, I. (autor)
IFTODE, I. (autor)
GÎRLEA, I. (autor)
On the determination of the reactors transfer function by anlysing the frequency spectrum of fluctuations |
351-356 |
articol de periodic |
FILIP, A. (autor)
GÎRLEA, I. (autor)
PĂPUREANU, V. (autor)
FODOR, G. (autor)
Absolute measurement of radioactivity by use of the voincidences method |
357-364 |
articol de periodic |
ȘTEFĂNESCU, Alexandru (autor)
IFTODE, I. (autor)
SABĂU, M. (autor)
ȚAPU, C. (autor)
Determination of the capture cross section of graphite by the pile oscillator method |
365-371 |
articol de periodic |
IONESCU, E. (autor)
ALEXAN, Z. (autor)
PURICA, I. (autor)
On the detection of cladding failure in a reactor by measuring the cooling water activity |
373-378 |
articol de periodic |
IFTODE, I. (autor)
ȚAPU, C. (autor)
DOBRESCU, C. (autor)
An automation system for nuclear research reactors |
379-386 |
articol de periodic |
UDREA, I. (autor)
MĂNDESCU, I. (autor)
Supplementary data on the fuel burn-up in the VVR-S - I.F.A. reactor Bucharest-Rumania |
387-391 |
articol de periodic |
FILIP, A. (autor)
Errors in determining the exponential constants of the components in a radioactive mixture |
393-399 |
articol de periodic |
IFTODE, I. (autor)
NIHĂILĂ, A. (autor)
PURICA, I. (autor)
ROȘU, H. (autor)
STOIAN, D. (autor)
A method for the study of boiling by analysing functuations in a reactor |
401-405 |
articol de periodic |
ROȘESCU, T. (autor)
Thermal neutron flux distribution in a VVR-S fuel element |
407-411 |
articol de periodic |
CRISTU, M. (autor)
POPA, M. (autor)
Concerning the backround in (n, gamma)-experiments at VVR-S reactor |
413-418 |
articol de periodic |
LĂBUȘCĂ, Elena (autor)
ANDREESCU, N. (autor)
MOȚOC, Cornelia (autor)
Effects de l'irradiation aux neutrons sur des ferrites a grade permeabilite |
419-430 |
articol de periodic |
BOHĂȚIEL, T. (autor)
The high frequency electronic torch at lower than atmospheric pressure |
431-442 |
articol de periodic |
DIACONESCU, Aurelian (autor)
Slow Neutrons Slow |
443-444 |