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Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic KOLOMIETS, B. (autor) , GRIGOROVICI, Radu (autor) , CROITORU, N. (autor) , VESCAN, L. (autor) Rectifying properties of junctions between vitreous Tl2Se As1Te3 and Ge, Si and InSb single crystals 129-131
articol de periodic CAPRINI, I. (autor) , PROTOPOPESCU, V. (autor) , PURICA, I. (autor) Corrections to gree-type scattering kernel for the study of neutron thermalization 141-150
articol de periodic MOLDOVAN, Rodica (autor) L'etude de l'etat d'association sur la surface d'une solution associee 151-162
articol de periodic SUKIENNICKI, Andrzej (autor) , WOJTCZAK, Leszek (autor) About the magnetic domain width in thin films 163-166
articol de periodic PETRUȘ, Octavian (autor) The weinberg method in the study of the propagation of magnetohydrodynamic waves in nonhomogeneous media 167-179
articol de periodic ISBĂȘESCU, Mircea (autor) A "thermos" type method for calculating the thermal neutron distribution in a real reactor cell 181-206
articol de periodic MUNTEANU, A. (autor) , SCHIFF, A. (autor) , MARCU, Cristian (autor) Die schichtdickenabhangigkeit der magnetischen suszeptibilitat sehr dunner, electrolytisch niedergeschlagener Ni-Co legierungen 207-211
articol de periodic TODIREANU, S. (autor) , CIOCA, V. (autor) A spectrometer for neutron total cross-section measurements in the wavelength range 8 to 30 A 213-217
articol de periodic GHEORGHE, Viorica (autor) The dispersion relation in a plasma of two antiparallel beams across a magnetic field 219-223
articol de periodic HAȘEGANU, D. (autor) , NICOLAE, Marieta (autor) Method for charged particle discrimanation in nuclear emulsion 225-231
articol de periodic BALEA, E. (autor) , BALEA, O. (autor) , MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) , SABĂU, M. (autor) On the cortrelation between transverse and longitudinal momenta of secondaries in 8 GeV/c p interactions 233-236
articol de periodic BOHUN, Antonin (autor) Some remarks on the problem connected with physical phenomena in ionic crystals 237-251
articol de periodic IONESCU, Theodor (autor) Sur l'effet Zeeman a tres grands nombres quantiques 253-255
articol de periodic SCUTARU, I. (autor) Jacobi coordinates for identical particle systems 257-260
articol de periodic REZLESCU, Nicolae (autor) , CUCIUREANU, E. (autor) Some observations on the resistivity of mabnganese-zinc ferrites 261-263
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Florica (autor) La permeabilite magnetique des ferites de Mn-Zn en correlation avec le traitement thermique 265-267
articol de periodic TUDORACHE, Ștefan (autor) Determination of the depolarization cross-section of the 32P3/2Na state by collision with Ar atoms 269-273