articol de periodic |
BUCUR, R. (autor)
The piezoelectric quartz crystal microbalance used as detector for gaseous hydrogen (deuterium) |
779-786 |
articol de periodic |
BAICAN, R. (autor)
SÎMPĂLEANU, M. (autor)
NISTOR, S. (autor)
A superheterodyle receiver with gunn diode as local oscillator for ESR spectrometers |
787-792 |
articol de periodic |
SZAKATS, A. (autor)
Statistical topics on higher harmonics separation in pulsed source measurements |
793-803 |
articol de periodic |
ROTHENSTEIN, Bernhard (autor)
ARTZNER, J. (autor)
On the double dynamic Procopiu Effect |
801-892 |
articol de periodic |
DOROBANȚU, I. (autor)
SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor)
Alpha decay of shape isomers |
805-821 |
articol de periodic |
ALBRECHT, R. (autor)
MUDERSBACH, K. (autor)
WURM, J.P. (autor)
Channel-channel correlations induced by isobaric analoque resonances in the decay of T< cpmpound nucleus levels |
823-834 |
articol de periodic |
PITICU, I. (autor)
VÎȚĂ, I. (autor)
On the X-gamma ray angular correlation in internal conversion |
835-842 |
articol de periodic |
BONDOUK, I.I. (autor)
Optical model analysis of 9Be(d,d)9Be at 1.1 2.5 MeV |
843-846 |
articol de periodic |
BONDOUK, I.I. (autor)
An optical model analysis of elastic scattering of deuterons on 28Si at 1.9 25MeV |
847-850 |
articol de periodic |
VESCAN, Teofil (autor)
Lepton pair production by polarized photons |
851-561 |
articol de periodic |
NIȚU, R. (autor)
VOGEL, A. (autor)
Does nuclear excitation associated with multiple production in high-energy proton-nucleus collisions depend on primary - energy? |
863-869 |
articol de periodic |
RUSU, A. (autor)
BULUCEA, C. (autor)
POSTOLACHE, C. (autor)
Surface breakdown in silicon, field distribution and cristical field in gate-controlled junctions |
871-881 |
articol de periodic |
MERCEA, Victor (autor)
IOANOVICIU, D. (autor)
CUNA, C. (autor)
ARDELEAN, P. (autor)
URSU, D. (autor)
Un spectrometre de masse tandem pour l'etude des reactions ion-molecules |
883-889 |