Lista completă a publicaţiilor

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MISHRA, Shakar (autor) , MOHAPATRA, Priti (autor) Unsteady motion of a non-newtonian fluid between two parallel ealls with tine varying suction 447-460
articol de periodic RATH, R.S. (autor) , BASTIA, S.N. (autor) Flow and heat tranmsfer of a viscous fluid about a porous disk rotating with time-variant angular velocity 461-469
articol de periodic SZKLARUK, Fabian (autor) Sobre la termodinamica del movimiento inercial. I 471-488
articol de periodic BORZA, D. (autor) Real-time, non-stroboscopic holographic interferometry of vibrating objects, in the presence of lining-up fringes 489-495
articol de periodic PLĂVIȚU, C. (autor) Second order effects due to the phonon Drag effect upon thermoelectric and thermomagnetic coefficients 497-512
articol de periodic MOȚOC, Cornelia (autor) The influence of surface charge and dipole distributions on hweterogeneous nucleation 513-524
articol de periodic RUSU, A. (autor) , BULUCEA, C. (autor) , POSTOLACHE, C. (autor) A new uniform-field Schottky-Barrier structure 525-528
articol de periodic COMĂNESCU, V. (autor) The optimum working range for a linear ratemeter used in continuous nucleaer measurements 529-537
articol de periodic ROTHENSTEIN, Bernhard (autor) , ARTZNER, J. (autor) New aspects of the magnetoelastic effect appearing under the conditions of the Procopiu effect 539-545
articol de periodic MOLDOVAN, A. (autor) , CĂLUȘARU, A. (autor) , RIZEA, M. (autor) Tunneling at the metal electrolyte solution interface without W.E.K. approximation in ion dischargwe at the limiting current 547-550
articol de periodic GHIKA, Grigore (autor) Particles. Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics 551-552
articol de periodic PROTOPOPESCU, V. (autor) Theorie Cinetique des Gas a Repartition Discrete de Vitesses - Gatignol R. 552-553
articol de periodic IACOB, A. (autor) Dynamical Systems. Theory and Applications - Moser J. 553-555