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articol de periodic BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor) , BUȚĂ, A. (autor) , GRAMA, C. (autor) , INDREAȘ, G. (autor) , LAZĂR, I. (autor) , MIHAI, I. (autor) , PĂDUREABNU, S. (autor) , PETRAȘCU, M. (autor) , PETROVICI, M. (autor) , PITICU, I. (autor) , SÎRBU, C. (autor) , TRACHE, L. (autor) Energy gain measurements on the resonant cavities of the heavy ion linear accelerator 371-478
articol de periodic RIZEA, M. (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) , SCHEID, W. (autor) On potential ambiguities in alpha-decay and alpha-scattering 429-439
articol de periodic CIOACĂ, C. (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) Alpha reduced widths for deformed nuclei at large deformations 441-454
articol de periodic ISMAL, H.A. (autor) , MORSY, M. (autor) , HANAFI, H. (autor) , ABDLE-MALALK, S. (autor) , EL-SAMMAN (autor) The decay of 182Ta to 182W 455-460
articol de periodic ISMAL, H.A. (autor) , EL-NAEM, A. (autor) , EL-MALALK, S.A. (autor) , ABOU, Leila (autor) , WALI-EL-DIN, N. (autor) The ground state bands in 132Sm and 160Dy 461-469
articol de periodic CIOACĂ, C. (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, Aureliu (autor) On the quantum description of the charge and mass dynamics of deep inelastic reactors 479-484
articol de periodic DUMITRAȘ, D. (autor) , DUȚU, D (autor) , COMĂNICIU, N. (autor) , DRĂGĂNESCU, V. (autor) , ALEXANDRESCU, R. (autor) , MORJAN, I. (autor) Frequency stabilized CO2 laser design 485-498
articol de periodic BRÎNDUȘ, L. (autor) On the calculation of atimic energy levels 499-512
articol de periodic COSMA, B. (autor) Etude experimentale ez theorique de l'amplification de la radiation laser dans une decharge transversale a pression elevee dans le melange gazeux CO2-N2-He 513-524
articol de periodic IOVA, Florina (autor) Optical absorption and emission spectra of Ni2+ in CdCl2 and CdBr2 525-529
articol de periodic BENA, Rodica (autor) , CUCULESCU, Iuliana (autor) , BACIU, Ion (autor) Two colour filter achieved with a ternary mixture of liquid crystals 531-535
articol de periodic SCUTARU, V. (autor) , TEODORESCU, V. (autor) , GLIGA, P. (autor) The analysis of dome dielectric properties of the thin sheets of hostaphan by the termally stimulated depolarization method 537-541