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Ziridava, XXVI, 2012, seria Studia Archaeologica

Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic HÜGEL, Peter (autor) , HUREZEAN, Pascu (autor) , MĂRGINEAN, Florin (autor) , SAVA, Victor (autor) One and a Half Century of Archaeology on the Lower Mureș
articol de periodic DAROCZI, Tibor-Tamas (autor) Environmental changes in the Upper and Middle Tisza/ Tisa lowland during the Holocene
articol de periodic GOGÎLTAN, Florin (autor) , SAVA, Victor (autor) War and wareiour during the Late Bronze Age within the Lower Mureș Valley
articol de periodic HUREZAN, Pascu (autor) , MĂRGINEAN, Florin (autor) , SAVA, Victor (autor) Late Bronze Age Metal Artifacts discovered in Șagu Site A1-1. Arad - Timișoara highway (km 0+19.900 - 0+20.620)
articol de periodic MATEI, Dan (autor) Abandoned forts and their Civilian Resuse in Roman Dacia
articol de periodic OȚA, Silviu (autor) Tombs with Jewels in the Bysantine Tradition discovered on the present-day teritory of Romania, North of the Danube (and of the 11th century - the 14th century)
articol de periodic ANDREICA, Luminița (autor) Dental Indicators of Stress and Diet Habots of Individuals Discovered in the Oasuary of the medieval church in Tauț (Arad County)
articol de periodic HUREZAN, George (autor) , MĂRGINEAN, Florin (autor) , NIȚOI, Anca (autor) Medieval and early mpdern military items discovered in the village of Tauț (Arad county, Western Romania)
articol de periodic DINCĂ, Remus (autor) , KOPECZNY, Zsuzsanna (autor) Tobacco Clay Pipes discovered in the historical center of Timișoara
articol de periodic GHEMIȘ, Călin (autor) , ZGARDAN, Constantin (autor) The siege of the fortification on Oradea (1602) reflected on Baroque Medals
articol de periodic GRUIA, Ana-Maria (autor) Depictions of Smokers on Stove Tiles (17th-19th centuries)
articol de periodic STOIA, Mircea (autor) Graffiti discovered un the Western Tower of the church in Cincu