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Sumarul căutării

  • 14 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1983 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 28-6 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) , MATEESCU, A. (autor) Behaviour at polarization of lead and lead-antimony alloys in sulphuric acid solutions 583-592
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 29-11-12 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Polarization behaviour of the lead microelectrode in sulphuric acid solution 833-841
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 30-2 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , UNGUREANU, Mihaela (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Polarization behabiour of the n-type and p-type silicon in sulphuric acid - hydroquinone solutions 105-110
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 30-3 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Electrode processes in Pb/H2SO4+Na2O4 199-207
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 32-2 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Effect of CoSO4 additions on the Pb/PbSO4 electrode 121-131
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 32-5 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , MATEESCU, A. (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) The coulometric study of the Pb,PbO2,O2/PbSO4 system 457-465
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 33-8 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) , UNGUREANU, Mihaela (autor) Polarization behaviour of the n-and p-type silicon in sulpuric acid solutions 775-780
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-4 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Polarization behaviour of lead in sulphuric acid solution containing ammonium dichromate additions 937-944
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-5 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Contribution to the calculation of E-I curves, for electrode processes with insoluble films formation. I. The influence of the potential sweep rate on the Pb/Pb2+ electrode process, in sulphuric acid solutions 1281-1286
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-7 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Polarization behaviour on limited potential ranges of the Pb/H2SO4+Na2SO4system 1457-1465
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 34-7 STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) , BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , GAUST, M. (autor) Contribution to the calculation of E-I curves, for electrode processes with insoluble films formation. II. Computation model of the E-I curves at the Pb/Pb2+ electrode process, in surphuric acid solutions 1581-1591
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 36-11-12 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , STERNBERG, Soloman (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Study of the electrode processes reversibility in the PbO2/PbSO4 system 1229-1237
articol de periodic 1992 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 37-5 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , STERNBERG, Solomon (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) Polarization behaviour of some lead alloys in concentrated sulphuric acid solutions (I) 565-574
articol de periodic 1995 Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 40-3 BRÎNZOI, Viorel (autor) , APĂTEANU, Liliana (autor) , BADEA, Teodora (autor) , IFTIME, Florina (autor) The influence of different additives on lead acid vatteries at low temperatures 225-233