Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 10 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-1-2 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Irreducible canonical approach to first-stage reducible second-class constraints. The example of Gauge-fixed two and one-forms with stueckelberg coupling 41-49
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-3-4 MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , POPESCU, Emilia (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in Romania: application for crustal seismic active zones 575-591
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-1-2 CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , PANTEA, A. (autor) , STOICA, R. (autor) , AMARANDEI, C. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) New data about historical earthquakes occorred on the Romanian Territory 239-248
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-3-4 PANTEA, A. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) Reevaluated macrosseismic map of Vrancea (Romania) earthquake occureed on november 10, 1940 578-589
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Journal of Physics, 56-5-6 CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , PANTEA, A. (autor) , STOICA, R. (autor) Vrancea (Romania) subcrustal earthquakes: historical sources and macroseismic intensity assesment 813-826
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Journal of Physics, 60-7-8 MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , BIAGI, P. (autor) , TOMA, Danila (autor) , MOLDOVAN, A. (autor) , DOLEA, P. (autor) , TOADER, V. (autor) , MAGGIPINTO, T. (autor) The development of the romanian VLF/LF monitoring system as part pf the international network for frontier research on earthquake precursors (INFREP) 1203-1217
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-7-8 MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , DIACONESCU, Mihai (autor) , POPESCU, E. (autor) , RADULIAN, M. (autor) , TOMA-DĂNILĂ, D. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , PLĂCINTĂ, A. (autor) Imput parameters for the probabilistic seismic hazard assesment in the eastern part of Romania and Black Sea area 1412-1425
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-5-6 MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , DIACONESCU, Mihai (autor) , PARTHENIU, R. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , POPESCU, E. (autor) , TOMA-DANILĂ, D. (autor) Probabilistic seismic hazard assesment in the Black Sea Area 809
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-3-4 ENESCU, Bogdan (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , ENESCU, Dumitru (autor) Experimental use of magnetotelluric method for Vrancea (Romania) earthquake prediction. Basic approach 305-310
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Reports in Physics, 64-2 MOLDOVAN, Iren-Adelina (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , POPESCU, E. (autor) , PLĂCINTĂ, A. (autor) Earthquake risk classes for dams situated in the south-western part of Romania (Danube, Olt, Jiu and Lotru Rivers) 591-608