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  • 23 de articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1986 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-3 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Spontaneous pion emission as a new natural radioactivity 205-208
articol de periodic 1986 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-3 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Spontaneous muon emission as a new natural radioactivity 209-212
articol de periodic 1986 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-6 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Experimental evidence for spontaneous pion emission from the ground state of transuranium nuclides 551-552
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-10 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Optical theorem for inclusive decay processe and pionic nuclear radioactivity 1037-1043
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-3 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Experimental evidence for spontaneous pion emission from ground state of 252Cf 299-304
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-9 IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) , ION, D. (autor) , BUCURESCU, D. (autor) , CÎTA, G. (autor) , CUTOIU, D. (autor) , GALERIU, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , ZAMFIR, Nicolae (autor) Search for spontaneous emission of mesons from 252Cf 837-945
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-2 IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) , BREHUI, M. (autor) , HAIDUC, M. (autor) , ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , PETRAȘCU, C. (autor) , PETRAȘCU, M. (autor) , TOLSTOV, K. (autor) , TOPOR, V. (autor) Search for pion emission in thermal neutron induced fission of 235U 105-107
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-2 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, M. (autor) Spontaneous Ao emission as a natural strange radioactivity 109-115
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-3 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Theoretical poredictions for nuclear pionic radioactivity 239-242
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-7 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Predictions for pionic radioactivity of even-even parent nuclei 1071-1073
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-7 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, M. (autor) Predictions for pionic radioactivity of heavey with A-ODD 1075-1078
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-3 ION, D. (autor) , BUCURESCU, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Possobility of pions emitted in spontaneous fission of 257Fm 261-263
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-4 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Predictions for pionic nuclear radioactivity from fission data of even-even nuclei 559-368
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-5 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , IVAȘCU, Marin (autor) Hyperfission - A new mode of nuclear fission 461-467
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-5-6 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Superheavy elements: I. Do they really form an island 471-273
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-7-8 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Superheavy elements. II The island of stability agasinst the pionic dominant decay mode 579-582
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-1-2 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Experimental evidence for dual diffractive resonances in nucleeon-nucleus scatiering 15-27
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-3-4 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Pionic radioactivity versus spontaneous fission in decay of superheavy nuclei 163-179
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-5-6 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Pionic radioactiovity as dominant decay mode of superheavy nuclei with A-ODD 261-277
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-1 ION, D. (autor) , ION, A. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Deltonic fission - a new mode of nuclear fission 31-53
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-3-4 ION, D. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Pionic radioactivity versus spontaneous fission at transfermium nuclei 193-191
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Journal of Physics, 54-9-10 ION, D. (autor) , ION, M. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) Saturation of optimal resonance limits in pion-nucleus scattering 985-988
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Journal of Physics, 55-3-4 ION, D. (autor) , ION, M. (autor) , ION-MIHAI, R. (autor) , ANGELESCU, T. (autor) New experimental evidences for optimal resonances in pion-nucleus scattering 296-308