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  • 76 de articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1973 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 18-5 CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) , APOSTOL, M. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Transfer matrix technique in planar channeling 557-569
articol de periodic 1977 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 22-5 CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) A simple green function approach to the superfluid transition temperature in He3-He4 mixtures 483-488
articol de periodic 1978 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 23-7-8 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Green function approach to the calculation of the metal-insulator transition temperature 683-687
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , CORCIONEI, Artin (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , TOȚIA, H. (autor) On nonlinear electromagnetic waves guide by thin dielectric films 899-913
articol de periodic 1984 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 29-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , TOȚIA, H. (autor) s-Polarized nonlinear surface and guided waves in an asymetric layered structure 365-374
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 30-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) Cnoidal waves in nonlinear dielectric films 245-255
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 30-5 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) On p-polarized nonlinear guided waves 433-443
articol de periodic 1985 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 30-8 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) Cnoidal waves in asymetric three-layer dielectric structures 699-708
articol de periodic 1986 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 31-9-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Optical hysteresis of te-polatized nonlinerar guided waves on liquid-crystals 987-991
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Nonlinear guided waves in Kerr-like dielectric films 343-351
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-7 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Stability of Te1 nonlinear slab-guided waves in saturable media 677-679
articol de periodic 1987 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 32-7 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , DELION, D. (autor) Single solution emission from a nonlinear asymetric planar waveguide 681-683
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-4-6 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , CORVIOVEI, Aretin (autor) Nonlinear optical waves in planar layered structures: recent theoretical results 747-749
articol de periodic 1988 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 33-8 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , WANG, Ruo-Peng (autor) , CORCIOVEI, Aretin (autor) Te-polarized nonlinear surface water in semi-infinite superlattice media 1191-1195
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-5 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Effects iof absorption on solution emission from a nonlinear planar optical waveguide 493-498
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-6 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , LANGBEIN, U. (autor) , LEDERER, F. (autor) , LEINE, L. (autor) Propagation phenomena of nonlinear optical waves guided by self-focusing kerr-like dielectric films 623-629
articol de periodic 1989 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 34-7-9 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PENG, Wang (autor) Exact theory of TM-polarized nonlinear optical waves in semi-infinite superlattice structures 987-994
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-1 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Nonlinear optical waves in configurations with higher-order self-defocising media 59-64
articol de periodic 1990 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 35-9-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Strongly nonlinear four layer asymmetric slab waveguide 657-664
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-1-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Nonlinear optical wawes in asymmetric N-channel planar waveguides 101-109
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-3-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) N-channel planar waveguides with dissimilar nonlinear bounding kerr media 187-196
articol de periodic 1991 Revue Roumaine de Physique, 36-9 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Nonlinear guided waves in graded-index planar waveguides 615-622
articol de periodic 1992 Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PANOIU, N. (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) Exact solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing the evolution of temporal solutions in optical fibers 941-954
articol de periodic 1992 Romanian Journal of Physics, 37-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) , PANOIU, N. (autor) , CIUMAC, M. (autor) Biparametric analytic solutions for temporal solitons in optical fibers 955-965
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-1 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) , CIUMAC, M. (autor) , TORNER, L. (autor) , TORRES, J. (autor) On the stability of TEo nonlinear guide waves in saturable media .3-11
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , DELION, D. (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) , CIUMAC, M. (autor) Propagation of three-dimensional continuous wawe gaussian beams in nonlinear slab waveguides 147-154
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PĂNOIU, N. (autor) , TRUȚĂ, N. (autor) , MOLDOVEANU, Florin (autor) Femtoseconds single-soliton solutions of the perturbed nonlinear Schrodinger equations describing pulse propagation in optical fibres 213-218
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , TRUȚĂ, N. (autor) , PANOIU, N. (autor) An exact solution for the generalized nonlinear Schrodinger equation describing pilse propagation in optical fibers 235-248
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Journal of Physics, 38-6 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PĂNOIU, N. (autor) , TRUȚĂ, N. (autor) Exact traveling-wawe solutions for a set of optical models based on the modified nonlinear Schrodinger equation 565-578
articol de periodic 1994 Romanian Journal of Physics, 39-5-6 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) Gaussian beam excitation and stability of nonlinear guided waves in RIB structures 361-372
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) , PĂNOIU, N. (autor) , CRASOVAN, L. (autor) , BARBOIU, D. (autor) Subpicosecond optical solution transmission over long distance using soluition trapping 1003-1007
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Journal of Physics, 40-4-5 CIUMAC, M. (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) , MAZILU, D. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Te-dominant nonlinear hybrid surface and guided waves in anusotropic structures 419-426
articol de periodic 1996 Romanian Journal of Physics, 41-7-8 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PĂNOIU, N. (autor) , MAZILU, N. (autor) , MOLDOVEANU, Florin (autor) , BABOIU, D. (autor) Perturbative effects in the evolution of solitons of a higher order nonlinear Schrodinger equation 457-469
articol de periodic 1997 Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-7-8 TRUȚĂ, N. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) On solitary waves resulting from the combined effect of third-older dispersion, self-steepening and Kerr nonlinearity in monomode optical fibers 537-541
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-9-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , TRUȚĂ, N. (autor) Direct integrability-checking scheme for the higher-order nonlinear schrodinger equation 651-659
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-1-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Optical statiomporal solitons: recent studies 267-271
articol de periodic 2002 Romanian Journal of Physics, 47-3-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Spinning optical solutions in two and three dimensions 469-475
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Journal of Physics, 48-5-6 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Optical spatiotemporal solutions: past, present and future 751-756
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-3-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Stable vortex solitons and robust soliton complexes in optical media with competing nonlinearities 357-364
articol de periodic 2012 Romanian Journal of Physics, 57-1-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Linear and nonlinear light bullets: recent theoretical and experimental studies 352-371
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-3-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Multidimensional located structures in opticts and Bose-Einstein condensates: a selection of recent studies 295-312
articol de periodic 2014 Romanian Journal of Physics, 59-7-8 FRANTZESKARIS, D. (autor) , LEBBLOND, H. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Nonlinear optics of intense few-cycle pulses: an overview of recent theoretical and experimental developments 767-784
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 YUAN, Feng (autor) , RAO, Jiguang (autor) , PORSEZIAN, K. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , HE, Jingsong (autor) Various extract tational solutions of the two-dimensional Maccari+s System 378-399
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 LI, Pengfei (autor) , LIU, Bin (autor) , LI, Lu (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Nonlinear party-time symmetry breaking in optical waveguides with complex gaussian-type potentials 577-594
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-3-4 HE, Ying-Ji (autor) , ZHU, Ying (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Dynamics of spatial solitons in parity-time-symetric optical lattices: a selection of recent theoretical results 595-613
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Journal of Physics, 61-5-6 YANG, Zhengping (autor) , ZHONG, Wei-Oing (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Classification of families of exact localized solutions of potential-free Schrodinger equation in spherical conrdinates 814-826
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Journal of Physics, 62-1-2 HE, Jingsong (autor) , XU, Shuwei (autor) , PORSEZIAN, Kappuswamy (autor) , DINDA, Patrice (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MALOMED, Boris (autor) , DING, Edwin (autor) Handling shocks and Rogue waves in optical fibres 203
articol de periodic 1993 Romanian Reports in Physics, 45--9-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MOLDOVEANU, Florin (autor) , PĂNOIU, N. (autor) A new inverse acattering approach for the modified korteweg-de-Vries equation 651-660
articol de periodic 2003 Romanian Reports in Physics, 55-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Solitons in dissipative media 523-
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Reports in Physics, 57-4 CRASOVAN, L. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , ILIEW, R. (autor) , ETRICH, C. (autor) , LEDERER, F. (autor) Can solitary waves form in a lithim triborate optical parametric oscilator? 889-903
articol de periodic 2007 Romanian Reports in Physics, 59-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Multidimensional solutions and vortices in nonlocal nonlinear optical media 515-
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Ginzburg-Landau spatiotemporal dissipative optical solitons 749-761
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Reports in Physics, 60-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) On the existence and stability of three-dimensional solitons and vortices in optics and Bose-Einstein condensate: occurrence of swallowtail bifurcations 957-975
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Three-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau solutions: collision scenarios 175-189
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Discrete surface light bullets 235-258
articol de periodic 2009 Romanian Reports in Physics, 61-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , MAZILIU, D. (autor) Ginzburg-Landau surface light bullets in photonic lattices 587-608
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-1 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Discrete light bullets in one-and two-dimensional photonic latices: collision scenarios 99-114
articol de periodic 2010 Romanian Reports in Physics, 62-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Discrete Ginzburg-Landau spatiotemporal optical solitons: Collision scenarious 697-709
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63 LEBLOND, H. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Optical solutions in the few-cycle regime: recent theoretical results 1254-
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-1 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Topological dissipative nonlinear modes in two and three-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau models with trapping potentials .9-
articol de periodic 2011 Romanian Reports in Physics, 63-2 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Spiral solitons in two-dimensional complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau models 325-
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-2 YANG, Guangye (autor) , LI, Lu (autor) , JIA, Suotang (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) High power pulses extracted from the peregrine Roque wave 391-400
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , PETRIȘ, Adrian (autor) Prof. Valentin I. Vlad at his 70th anniversary 611-617
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 YANG, Guangye (autor) , LI, Lu (autor) , JIA, Suotang (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Control of high power pulses extracted from the maximally compressed pulse in a nonlinear optical fiber 902-814
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Reports in Physics, 65-3 LEBLOND, H. (autor) , TRIKI, H. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Theoretical studies of ultrashort-soliton propagation in nonlinear optical media from a general quantum model 925-942
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-1 BAGNATO, C.S. (autor) , FRANTZESKAKIS, D.J. (autor) , KEVREKIDIS, P.G. (autor) , MALOMED, B.A. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , NICOLIN, A.I. (autor) Foreword .3-
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-1 BAGNATO, C.S. (autor) , FRANTZESKAKIS, D.J. (autor) , KEVREKIDIS, P.G. (autor) , MALOMED, B.A. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Bose-Einstein condensation: Twenty years after .5-
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-2 CAO, Ruo-Yun (autor) , THONG, Wei-Ping (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Angular vector solitons of the coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations with spatially modulated nonlinearities 475-385
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-3 LIU, Bin (autor) , LI, Liu (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Vector solutions in Pt-symetric coupled waveguides and their relevant properties 802-818
articol de periodic 2015 Romanian Reports in Physics, 67-4 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Localized structures in nonlinear optical media: a selection of recent studies 1383-1400
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-4 CHEN, Shiua (autor) , GRELU, Philippe (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , BORONIO, Fabio (autor) Families of rational solution solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvilli I equation 1407-1424
articol de periodic 2016 Romanian Reports in Physics, 68-4 LIU, Yaobin (autor) , FOKAS, A.S. (autor) , MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , HE, Jingsong (autor) Parallel line rogue waves of the trird-type Davey-Stewartson equation 1425-1446
articol de periodic 2017 Romanian Reports in Physics, 69-1 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Multidimensional localized structures in optical and matter-wave media: topiocal survey of recent literature 403
articol de periodic 1987 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 39-5 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Studiul intracției coerente cu unele sisteme atomice 384-455
articol de periodic 1987 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 39-8 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) Fizica și aplicațiile undelor nelineare ghidate 675-684
articol de periodic 1989 Studii și Cercetări de Fizică, 41-10 MIHALACHE, Dumitru (autor) , WANG, Ruo-Peng (autor) , CORCIOVEI, A. (autor) Proprietăți de nelinearitate și bistabilitate la propagarea undelor electromagnetice transersal electrice în suprafețele cu substrat nelinear 965-976