Criterii căutate

  • Tip publicație: periodic
  • Realizator: SALIU, S.

Sumarul căutării

  • 17 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1997 Romanian Journal of Physics, 42-7-8 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) The BRST quantization of the massive Yang-Mills theory 443-452
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Journal of Physics, 43-9-10 BIZDATEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Hamiltonian BRST quantization of "irreducible" free p-forms 661-672
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Journal of Physics, 44-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) On the irreducible BRST symmetry for first-stage reducible Gauge theories 491-497
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-1-2 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CONSTANTIN, A. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Irreducible canonical approach to first-stage reducible second-class constraints. The example of Gauge-fixed two and one-forms with stueckelberg coupling 41-49
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, R. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Sp(3) symetry for abelian Gauge fields 451-457
articol de periodic 2000 Romanian Journal of Physics, 45-7-8 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CIOROIANU, E. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Irreducible Hamiltonian BRST-anti-BRST formalism for off-shell reducible theries 519-529
articol de periodic 2001 Romanian Journal of Physics, 46-3-4 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , MIAUTA, M. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Hamiltonian BRST interactions between an abelian Chern-Simons term and a charged scalar field 129-138
articol de periodic 2005 Romanian Journal of Physics, 50-3-4 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CIOBĂRCĂ, C. (autor) , CIOROIANU, E. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , SĂRARU, S. (autor) BF Models 241-248
articol de periodic 2008 Romanian Journal of Physics, 53-9-10 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CIOROIANU, E. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , SARARU, S. (autor) , BALUS (autor) Irreducible approach to L-order reducible second-class theories 1023-1031
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , BÎRCAN, M. (autor) , CIOROIANU, E. (autor) , MIAUTA, M. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Another relationship between first and second-order systems 428-433
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , CIOROIANU, E. (autor) , MIAUTA, M. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , SĂRARU, S. (autor) , STANCIU-OPREAN, L. (autor) Towards a full classification of consistent interaction vertices in topological BF theories 434-445
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , MIAUTA, M. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , STANCIU-OPREAN, L. (autor) Special interactions between DFLG in terms of a mixed symetry tensor field (k,1) and topological BF model 446-458
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , MIAUTA, M. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , TOMA, M. (autor) Consistent interactions between dual formulations of linearised gravoty in terms of massless tensor fields with mixed symmetries (k,1) and (2,2) 459-468
articol de periodic 2013 Romanian Journal of Physics, 58-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) , TOMA, M. (autor) Consistent interactions between dual formulations of linearized gravity 469-484
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-3-4 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) On the BRST quantization of massive abelian Gauge fields 225-231
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) A note on the BRST quantization of spinning particle 335-
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-5-6 BIZDADEA, C. (autor) , SALIU, S. (autor) Note on the antisymmetric tensor Gauge theory 353-263