Criterii căutate

Sumarul căutării

  • 7 articole
Tip Anul Publicație și Volum/Nr. Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-8-10 PĂPUȘOI, Constantin (autor) , STANCU, Alexandru (autor) Remanent magnetization processes of particulate media 857-863
articol de periodic 1995 Romanian Reports in Physics, 47-8-10 STANCU, Alexandru (autor) , PĂPUȘOI, Constantin (autor) , SPÎNU, Leonard (autor) , PĂPUȘOI, Cristian (autor) Mixed-type models of recording media hysteresis 873-879
articol de periodic 1998 Romanian Reports in Physics, 50-5-6 PĂPUȘOI, C. (autor) , DORMANN, J. (autor) , STANCU, Alexandru (autor) , MOGUES, M. (autor) Fields cooled magnetization measurements on fine systems. Modelling and application to y-Fe2O3 nanoparticles with various interaction strengths 451-
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-1-2 PĂPUȘOI, C. (autor) , STANCU, Alexandru (autor) , SPÎNU, L. (autor) , STOLERIU, L. (autor) , NEGULESCU, Beatrice (autor) , CHIORESCU, Irinel (autor) Reversible and irreversible magnetization processes in magnetic recording media 85-92
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-1-2 STANCU, Alexandru (autor) , PĂPUȘOI, C. (autor) The pseudo-paricle hysteresis loop in mixed-type models of fine ferromagnetic particle systems 93-103
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-1-2 STANCU, Alexandru (autor) , PĂPUȘOI, C. (autor) Magnetic susceptibilities in interacting small particle systems 105-113
articol de periodic 1999 Romanian Reports in Physics, 51-5-6 STANCU, Alexandru (autor) Analysis of magnetic interactions in ensembles of ferromagnetic particles 471-478