Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MURGULESCU, Ilie (autor) , COMȘA, Gerda (autor) Chemisorption von sazerstoff und kohlenmonoxid an vorbelegten kupprschichten 825-929
articol de periodic SAHINI, Victor (autor) , OLTENEANU, Marina (autor) Solvent effect on the infrared spectra of benzophenone and anthrone 831-836
articol de periodic CISMARU, D. (autor) , SIMON, Zeno (autor) Sur la cinetique de la formation des couches d'oxydes sur metaux 837-843
articol de periodic COSTEANU, G. (autor) , LANDAUER, Ortansa (autor) , MATEESCU, Cornelia (autor) Influence du milieu de reaction sur l'hydrolyse acide de l'acetate de n-butyle 845-849
articol de periodic PTAK, W. (autor) , MOSER, Z. (autor) , ZABDYR, L. (autor) Thermodynamic properties of Zn-Bi-Pb liguid solutions 851-868
articol de periodic IONESCU, Nicolae (autor) On the Suhrmann-Wedler equation 869-872
articol de periodic GROPȘIANU, U. (autor) , KOHN, D. (autor) , IOVI, A. (autor) Warmeubergangszahlen beim sieden von losungen. II. Losungen von dinatriumphosphat 873-878
articol de periodic POPA, Grigore (autor) , MĂGEARU, Vasile (autor) The study of the formation and determination of the stability in solution of some complex combinations with n-propylamine 879-885
articol de periodic RĂILEANU, Metodiu (autor) , DOBRE, Eugenia (autor) Volumetric dosage with phenothiazone-(3). I. Dosage of sodium thiosulphate with phenothiazone-(3) 887-892
articol de periodic FLOREA, I. (autor) Uber hexazynoferrat und nitrosopentazyanoferrat des 3-chlor-9-(4'diathylamino-1'-methylbutylamino)-7-methoxykridins 893-901
articol de periodic SPINZI, Antoaneta (autor) , NICOLESCU, I. (autor) Etude des catalyseurs solides pour l'oxidation des hydrocarbures. II. Influence du milieu de reaction sir les proprietes electriques du catalyseur V2O5-MoO3 903-910
articol de periodic CIORĂNESCU, Ecaterina (autor) , BANCIU, Mircea (autor) , JELESCU, Rodica (autor) , RENTZEA, Marina (autor) , ELIAN, Mihai (autor) , NENIȚESCU, Costin (autor) Carbonium ion reactions V. Acetolysis of 1:2,5:6 dibenzocyclohepta-1,3,5-trienyl-7-ethyl beta-tosylate 911-927
articol de periodic VOICU, M. (autor) , BADEA, Florin (autor) Kinetics of the acetolysis of 1: 2,5:6-dibenzocyclohepta-1,3,5-trienyl-7-ethyl beta-tosylate 929-939
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) , FRANGOPOL, Maria (autor) , NEGOIȚĂ, N. (autor) , FRANGOPOL, P. (autor) , PARASCHIV, Maria (autor) Factors affecting stability and equilibria of free radicals. V. Synthesis and spectra of polynitrophenyl-alkoxy-amines 941-945
articol de periodic GHEORGHIU, Mircea (autor) , HOFFMANN, R. (autor) The electronic group states of Ortho, meta and para-benzynes 947-949
articol de periodic VOINESCU, Viorica (autor) , BALOG, A. (autor) Some isolated mixed anydrides of 2,6-dimethoxybenzoic acid 951-954
articol de periodic VASS, Mihail (autor) Pirani manometer for the range 2x101'-1 - 5x10+6 torr 955-957
articol de periodic TĂMAȘ, Virgil (autor) , BODEA, Cornel (autor) TiCl4-carotenoid complexes V. Action of TiCl4 on dodecapreno-beta-catotene 959-961