Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic FACSKO, Gheorghe (autor) , PORAICU, Maria (autor) Kinetic study of oxido-reduction reactions, by means of the vibrated electrode technique 341-351
articol de periodic ZADOR, Lucia (autor) , MUREȘAN, Iudita (autor) Viscosimetric study of polyacrylic acid in water-ethanol mixtures 353-361
articol de periodic BĂRBOIU, Virgil (autor) Magnitudes and signs of 13C coupling constants in several organic molecules by double resonance 363-370
articol de periodic TEOREANU, Ion (autor) , MUNTEANU, Marcela (autor) The study of the hardening processes in tricalcium silicate-water-electrolyte system 371-379
articol de periodic SOLACOLU, Șerban (autor) , RUSU, Ecaterina (autor) Aspects of the vitreous phase separation process in the Fe2O3-BaO-B2O3 system 381-385
articol de periodic NEGOIU, Dumitru (autor) , PÎRLOG, Constanța (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, D. (autor) New coordinate compounds with molecular nitrogen. I.m Synthesis and characteristic properties of some dinitrogen compounds of cobalt, nickel, iron with triaryl-phosphines, triaryl-arsines and triaryl-stibines 387-394
articol de periodic PERȚE, Eugenia (autor) , STRĂJESCU, M. (autor) Gallium metatitanate 395-398
articol de periodic VOICULESCU, N. (autor) , AIRINEI, A. (autor) , POPESCU, I. (autor) Les reactions des ligands coordines. IV L'etude spectroscopique et thermogravimeterique des combinaisons aluminium-organiques de dimethylglyoxime coordinee 399-405
articol de periodic MANOK, F. (autor) , VARHELYI, C. (autor) , OPREAN, Rodica (autor) Kinetik und mechanismus der oxydation des urans(IV) mit natrium-persulfat 407-413
articol de periodic SOLACOLU, I. (autor) , SĂNDULESCU, D. (autor) , DRĂGULESCU, Coriolan (autor) La structure cristalline et l'interaction avec la molecule de l'hydrocarbure incluse dans les clathtates du type M(SCN)2(4-McPy)4-p-xylene 415-427
articol de periodic CORNEA, Felicia (autor) , FULEA, Cornelia (autor) , MOLDOVEANU, Șerban (autor) Complexes moleculaires des thioamides. Ii. Complexes de transfert de charge du phenylthio-acetamide et de la phenylthioacetopiperidide avec l'iode 429-435
articol de periodic PETROVANU, Magda (autor) , SAUCIUC, Ariadna (autor) , ZUGRĂVESCU, I. (autor) Phthalazinium ylids. VI. Action of dimethylacetylenedicarboxylate on disubstituted at the exocyclic carbon phthalazinium-ylids 437-442
articol de periodic BĂRBULESCU, N. (autor) , LECA, Minodora (autor) Elimination reactions in the 8-R-tricyclo(7,3.1.02,7)tridecane series. IV. Pyrolytic elimination of tricyclo( 443-454
articol de periodic GLATZ, Alice (autor) Aluminium chloride catalyzed condensations of unsaturated acids with benzene 455-484
articol de periodic TEODORESCU, Grigore (autor) Methods for the determination of 2-aminopyridine. Visible and infrared spectra of the combination with ammonium reineckate 485-492
articol de periodic BURNEA, Ioan (autor) , PLENICEANU, Maria (autor) , BURNEA, Lucia (autor) Spektrophotometrische untersuchung des systems vanadium (V)- solochromviolett RS. Die Spektrophotometische bestimmung des vanadiums 501-507
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, Cecilia (autor) , FIȘEL, Simon (autor) Spektrophotometrische bestimung des Tl(III) mit ortho-nitral und para-nitralgrun 509-515
articol de periodic FRUMA, Alexandru (autor) Probleme în teoria filtrației - Ene H., Gogorea S. 517-518
articol de periodic FRUMA, Alexandru (autor) Chimia lemnului din România: Plopul și salcia 518-519