Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ANTOHE, Ștefan (autor) Foreword 575-575
articol de periodic JIPA, Alexandru (autor) , BEȘLIU, Călin (autor) , FELEA, Daniel (autor) , ILIESCU, B. (autor) , RISTEA, O. (autor) , RISTEA, C. (autor) , HORBUNIEV, A. (autor) , ARSENE, I. (autor) , EȘANU, T. (autor) , OCHEȘANU, S. (autor) , CARAMARCU, C. (autor) , BORDEIANU, C. (autor) , ROȘU, I. (autor) , GROSSU, I. (autor) , ZGURĂ, I. (autor) , STAN, E. (autor) , MITU, Ciprian (autor) , POTLOG, Mihai (autor) , GHERCIU, M. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, I. (autor) On the nuclear fragmentation mechanisms in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energies 577-600
articol de periodic BĂLĂȘOIU, M. (autor) , AVDEEV, M. (autor) , AKSENOV, V.L. (autor) , GHENESCU, V. (autor) , GHENESCU, M. (autor) , TOROK, G. (autor) , ROSTA, L. (autor) , BICA, D. (autor) , VEKAS, L. (autor) , HASEGAN, D. (autor) Structural studies of ferrofluids by small-angle neutron scattering 601-606
articol de periodic ROESCU, R. (autor) , DUMITRIU, I. (autor) , TOMESCU, A. (autor) Simultaneous evaluation of the electrical resitance and work function changes for chemoresustive type sensors 607-612
articol de periodic CONCA, C. (autor) , DIAZ, J. (autor) , TIMOFTE, C. (autor) On the homogenization of a transmission problem arising in chemistry 613-622
articol de periodic DONDERA, M. (autor) , FLORESCU, Viorica (autor) Laser modified electron bremsstrahlung revisited 623-636
articol de periodic BAZAVAN, M. (autor) , TOMA, O. (autor) , IOVA, I. (autor) Some remarks on the N2 second positive (C - B ) band heads relative intensities behaviours in a cylindrical hallow cathode discharge 637-644
articol de periodic VALSANGIACOM, C. (autor) , SIMA, M. (autor) , PREDOI, D. (autor) , PLAPCIANU, C. (autor) , KUNCSER, C. (autor) , SCHINTEIE, G. (autor) , BULINSKI, M. (autor) A microscopic analysis of the conduction mechanism of iron doped polyaniline under UV exposure 645-649
articol de periodic PETRAȘCU, M. (autor) , ISBĂȘESCU, A. (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, A. (autor) , ȘERBAN, S. (autor) , STOICA, V. (autor) The Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron array detector 651-658
articol de periodic RISTEA, Oana (autor) Study of the Chemical Freeze-aut in nucleus-nucleus collidions 659-665
articol de periodic ANGELESCU, T. (autor) , DUMITRESCU, Gheorghe (autor) , ION, M. (autor) , MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) , RADU (autor) Lepton family violation (LFV) upper limits for LEP2 experiments 667-676
articol de periodic LAZANU, Ionel (autor) Elementary particles in curved spaces 689-687
articol de periodic LAZANU, Ionel (autor) , LAZANU, S. (autor) Silicon detectirs operating deyond LHC conditions: scenarios for radiation fields and detector degradation 689-702
articol de periodic MIHAI, C. (autor) Monte Carlo calculation of the energy deposited in the kascade grande detectors 703-710
articol de periodic HARALAMBIE, M. (autor) , DINESCU, L. (autor) , SIMA, O. (autor) New data concerning the efficiency calibration of a drum waste assay system. Part I: experimental calibration 711-719
articol de periodic MĂRGEANU, Cristina (autor) , ANGELESCU, T. (autor) , ILIE, P. (autor) Monte Carlo Methods application to Candu spent fuel comparative analysis 721-726
articol de periodic MĂRGEANU, Sorin (autor) , ANGELESCU, T. (autor) Consequences assessment for a nuclear accident scenario at Cernavoda - NPP 727-732
articol de periodic MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor) , TOMA, G. (autor) , WENTZ, J. (autor) , REBEL, H. (autor) , BERCUCI, A. (autor) , AIFTIMIEI, C. (autor) Experimentally guid Monte Carlo calculations of the atmospheric Muon flux for interdisciplinary applications 733-740
articol de periodic TOMA, G. (autor) , BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , REBEL, H. (autor) , SIMA, O. (autor) , BADEA, A. (autor) , HAUNGS, A. (autor) Study of the lateral distribution of particles in the extensive air shower front 741-748
articol de periodic EȘEANU, Nicoleta (autor) , PALARIE, I. (autor) , UNCHESELU, Cornelia (autor) Explanation of the asymmetric response of a dy doped nematic sample in a laser field 749-755
articol de periodic BĂLĂCEANU, C. (autor) , ȘTEFAN, S. (autor) The assessment of the TSP particulate matter in the urban ambient air 757-768
articol de periodic CHICEA, Dan (autor) , BARBU, H. (autor) On metal pollution in the Copșa Mică area 769-775
articol de periodic GHICA, Daniela (autor) , RADULIAN, Mircea (autor) , POPA, Mihaela (autor) Burar: detection and signal processing capabilities 777-799