Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic PLONSKI, I. (autor) The kinetics of transfer electron reactions proceeding in three steps, under galvanostatic conditions II. Two step electron transfer 889-998
articol de periodic EKLUND, Sigvard (autor) Lecture at the university of Bucharest 2 June 1971 905-914
articol de periodic ANDREESCU, Nicolae (autor) , BALTAC, I. (autor) , ANDREESCU, O. (autor) Mesure de l'epaisseur des gaines de combustible par des methodes electromagnetiques 915-934
articol de periodic CRISTEA, P. (autor) L'anisotropie optique des films de tellure deposes oblioquement 935-949
articol de periodic PROȚOP, C. (autor) On the calculation of the penetration factor for the internal conversion of masgnetic dipole transitions in deforormed nuclei 951-959
articol de periodic TUDORACHE, Ștefan (autor) , POPESCU, I. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, I. (autor) Croisement des sous-niveaux atomiques dans l'etat 32P3/2 du sodium, A et B etant des parametres 961-967
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, C. (autor) , GOLDENBLUM, A. (autor) , SOSTARIUM, M. (autor) Auger effect and radiative recombination in n-GaAs - p-AlGaAs heterojunctions 969-977
articol de periodic PLONSKI, I. (autor) The kinetics of transfer electron reactions proceeding in three steps, under galvanostatic conditions I. The steady-state of the intermediate ion concentrations 979-988
articol de periodic GHEORGHIU, Octav (autor) , COSMA, Bucur (autor) Extended Smith Chart for lines with attenuation 999-1004
articol de periodic BARB, Dănilă (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, Ș. (autor) , ȚARINĂ, D. (autor) Formulas for the relative y-transition propabilities of the Mossbauer Isotopes 1005-1021
articol de periodic IONESCU, A. (autor) The stimulated emission of labine molecular ions of deuterium between 48-84 MHz 1023-1027
articol de periodic SINGUREL, Ligia (autor) On the line shift of the valence oscillation C=O, acidity propertuies and hydrogen bond energy of some ketones in solutions 1029-1034
articol de periodic GROSU, D. (autor) Les oscillations electriques de la lumiere anodique comme des oscilations ioniques sonores starionnaires 1035-1037
articol de periodic PAL, Ashis (autor) Mechanical response of a composite pre-energised piezoelectric transducer 1039-1044
articol de periodic ARDISSON, G. (autor) , MARSOL, C. (autor) Etude experimentale des niveaux nucleaires de 140Ce82 formes dans la desintegration de 140 La 1045-1058
articol de periodic BIBOROSCH, L. (autor) , POPA, Gheorghe (autor) , SANDILOVICIU, M. (autor) Uber die selbsterregten lasufender schichten in einer glimmentlsdung 1059-1062
articol de periodic WEIL, Jurgen (autor) On structure factors in many-body systems: two simple examples 1063-1064
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Iulia (autor) , TEODORESCU, G. (autor) Etude des couches minces des derives du stilbene, a la suite d'un bombardement au microscope electronique 1065-1066
articol de periodic GUCIUREANU, Elena (autor) Relaxation de la conductivite de quelques ferrites de type spinelle 1067-1069
articol de periodic CUCIUREANU, E. (autor) , ISTRATE, S. (autor) , REZLESCU, N. (autor) Sur l'anomalie de la resistivite des ferrites nickel - manganese dans le domaine du point de Curie 1071-1073