Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic DUMITRESCU, Ovidiu (autor) On the structure of decaying nuclear states 277-292
articol de periodic SOFONEA, Liviu (autor) , IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor) The lagrangean aspect of the Onicescu "invariantive mechanics" 293-311
articol de periodic SOSTARICH, M. (autor) Influence of the difference in effective massers on the efficiency of heterojunction solar cells 293-400
articol de periodic TREPĂDUȘ, V. (autor) , RÎPEANU, S. (autor) , GROSESCU, R. (autor) The study of the molecular motion in phenol by neutron scattering and nuclear magnetic resonance methods 313-318
articol de periodic BUNGET, I. (autor) , LEONOVICI, M. (autor) Influence of the cation distribution on the magnetic susceptibility of MgMn2O4 319-322
articol de periodic MUNTEANU, I. (autor) High magnetoresistive effect in double-injection regime 323-334
articol de periodic CRUCEANU, E. (autor) , LUCK, R. (autor) The low-temperature electronic transport properties of TlTe 343-346
articol de periodic DRAGU, A. (autor) Sur la notion de temps d'apparition 347-357
articol de periodic BUCURESCU, D. (autor) , DRĂGULESCU, E. (autor) , DUMA, M. (autor) , IVAȘCU, M. (autor) , POPESCU, D. (autor) , SEMENESCU, G. (autor) Levels of 83Br from the (&,p) reaction 359-363
articol de periodic LUPU, Gheorghe (autor) , MUSTAȚĂ, C. (autor) Consideration on the "equilibrium" electrons distributuin function for a homogerneous gigh-frequency, fully ionized plasma 365-372
articol de periodic GRABCEV, B. (autor) The resolution in neutron crystal spectroscopy of isotropic systems 373-379
articol de periodic PRASAD, MISHRA (autor) , PRASANNA, Acharya (autor) Heat transfer by fluctuating flow of an elastico-viscous liquid past an infinite plate with time varying suction 381-391
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Iulia (autor) , MORARIU, M. (autor) , DIAMANDESCU, L. (autor) Contributions to the study of the Fe-Mn nodules from the Black Sea by Mossbauer spectroscopy 401-404
articol de periodic POPA-MILEA, Maria (autor) , OANCEA-GHEORGHIȚĂ, Candida (autor) Sur l'apparition d'un microrelief aux superpositions partielles des couches minces de tellure a celles de bismuth 405-408
articol de periodic RAICU, Bruha (autor) Ion implantation - Eisen F. 413-415
articol de periodic COJOCARU, L. (autor) Electrical conductivity of beta-Ga2O3 469-411