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articol de periodic BERCEANU, I. (autor) , BORCEA, C. (autor) , BRÎNCUȘ, I. (autor) , BUȚĂ, A. (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, A. (autor) , CÎRSTOIU, Florin (autor) , IZBĂȘESCU, A. (autor) , LAZĂR, I. (autor) , MIHAI, I. (autor) , PETRAȘCU, M. (autor) , PETROVICI, I. (autor) , SIMION, V. (autor) The fission cross-section of 239-Pu for neutrons in the energy interval from 0.0009 eV to o.6 eV 437-451
articol de periodic TOADER, E. (autor) Experimental profiles of 6 2S1/2-72P1/2 and 6 2S1/2 / 2P3/2 Cesium lines, obtained in a two-photon ionization process 453-458
articol de periodic COLDEA, Speranța (autor) Calculation of viscosity coeficients of binary liquid alloys 459-465
articol de periodic POPA, G. (autor) Despersion curve and spatial amplification rate for ionization waves in a positiver column plasma 467-469
articol de periodic BÎRSAN, Radu (autor) Characterization of charge transfer devices with variable transfer inefficiency 471-485
articol de periodic DEMCO, Dan (autor) , BOGDAN, M. (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, Gheorghe (autor) Free induction decay for a spherical conductor 487-492
articol de periodic DEMCO, Dan (autor) , URSU, Ioan (autor) Separated local field spectroscopy for deuterium-proton and proton-proton spin systems 493-499
articol de periodic PĂDUREANU, I. (autor) , RÎPEANU, S. (autor) , CRĂCIUN, C. (autor) , ROTĂRESCU, Gheorghe (autor) , ION, M. (autor) Phonon densities of states in aluminium and bismuth 501-507
articol de periodic BÎRJEGA, Mariana (autor) , POPESCU-POGRION, N. (autor) , SÎRBU, C. (autor) , ȚOPA, V. (autor) Some peculiarities in the oriented growth of the vacuum evaporated Ag thin films anto doped alkali halide substrates 509-511
articol de periodic ONICIU, Liviu (autor) Solid electrolytes - Geller S. 513-513
articol de periodic MARIAN, Tudor (autor) Physik . Eine einfuhrung in experiment und theorie - Brandt S., Dahmen H. 513-515
articol de periodic TOMA, Elena (autor) Vistas in Astronomy - Beer Arthur, Beer Peter 515-517
articol de periodic CRISTESCU, Cornelia (autor) Radio Astronomy and Cosmology - Jauncey D.L., Reidel D. 517-518
articol de periodic CRISTESCU, Cornelia (autor) Radiating Cosmic Dust - Andriesse 519-520
articol de periodic MICU, Liliana (autor) Few-Body Systems and nuclear forces I - Zingl H., Haftel M., Zankel H. 520-520
articol de periodic BALLY, D. (autor) X-Ray Optics - Queisser H. 520-522
articol de periodic PROTOPESCU, V. (autor) The Concepts and logic of classical thermodynamics as a theory of heat engines - Truesdell C., Bharatha S. 522-523
articol de periodic BURZO, Emil (autor) Magnetism in metals and metallic comounds - Loposzanski Jan, Pekalski Ardrzej, Przystaa Jerzy 523-524
articol de periodic TODORAN, I. (autor) , LUNGU, N. (autor) Problems of stellar convection - Spiegel E.A., Zahn J.P. 524-525