Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic GOTTLIEB, Ioan (autor) Albert Einstein - A pathfinder in physics 215-219
articol de periodic GOTTLIEB, Ioan (autor) The formalism of the general theory of relativity as a theory of interaction 221-232
articol de periodic IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor) , GOTTLIEB, Ioan (autor) Conformal covariance of general relativity 233-244
articol de periodic TEODORESCU, Valentin (autor) Contributions to Coulomb interaction study in general relativity 245-249
articol de periodic MOCIUȚCHI, Cleopatra (autor) Equations of motion derived from a generaliozation of Einstein's equation for the gravitational field 251-256
articol de periodic CIUBOTARIU, C. (autor) , GOTTLIEB, I. (autor) Deriving the uniform field metric without the field equations 257-260
articol de periodic IONESCU-PALLAS, Nicolae (autor) , SOFONEA, Liviu (autor) Time spending and spate exploring in the framework of specvial relativity theory 261-265
articol de periodic ȚAȚOMIR, D. (autor) On the quantization of free gravitational field 267-275
articol de periodic ȚAȚOMIR, D. (autor) The study of strong interactions in gravitational field 277-282
articol de periodic TORO, T. (autor) On the possible relation between selfinteraction of gama )x)-fields and the non-local neutrino-gravitational interaction 283-287
articol de periodic NIHĂILĂ, Ieronim (autor) Sur le probleme des deux corps dans la mecanique invariantive 289-293
articol de periodic AGOP, Marcel (autor) La deviation de la lumiere dans la mecanique invariantive 295-299
articol de periodic URECHE, Vasile (autor) Structure of relativistic stellar configurations. Linear stellar model in GRT 301-310
articol de periodic IGNAT, Margareta (autor) Remarks on the relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics of an anisotropiv fluid 311-316
articol de periodic MERCHES, I. (autor) A constrained minimum energy problem in relativistic magnetofluid dynamics 317-323