Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic FLORESCU, Mihail (autor) On some constant relations between photon systems variables 289-295
articol de periodic POPESCU, I. (autor) , DUMITRU, Mihaela (autor) , STERIAN, Paul (autor) Disposities bistables electro-optiques a cristaux liquides 297-301
articol de periodic MANDACHE, Cipriana (autor) On the basic equation of magnetization in the hydrogen maser 303-306
articol de periodic CÎMPEANU, R. (autor) HFS energy levels and wavelengths in Mo XX-XL 307-310
articol de periodic CILEA, M. (autor) , PREDA, A. (autor) , POPESCU, I. (autor) Laser a He-Zn II et cathode cavitaire en laiton 311-312
articol de periodic ROY, A. (autor) , DAS, A.K. (autor) The magnetohydrodynamic flow near a time-varying accelerated porous plate 313-325
articol de periodic CARTIANU, Dan (autor) Phase and frequency synchronization in reaction-diffusion systems 327-248
articol de periodic IOSIF, Sieglinde (autor) Seismic hazard evaluation in the north-western part of the romanian territory (maximum acceleration and maximum particle velocity 349-358
articol de periodic PETRAȘCU, M. (autor) Quantum Mechanics - Țițeica Șerban 359-359
articol de periodic ADAM, Gheorghe (autor) The LMTO Method (Muffin-Tin Orbitals and electronic structure) - Skriver H.L. 359-361
articol de periodic ADAM, Gheorghe (autor) QUADPACK Subroutine package for Automatic Integration - Piessns R., de Doncker-Kapenga, Uberhuber C,W., Kahaner D.K. 361-361
articol de periodic POPESCU, Mihai (autor) Novel Application of Anomalous - Waseda Yoshio 362-362