Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic OSICEANU, P. (autor) , VASS, M. (autor) Experimental and design parameters of an appearance potential spectrometer (APS) 125-131
articol de periodic AȘTILEAN, S. (autor) Transfert photoinduit de protons dans des cristeaux mixtes pentacene/acide benzoique caracterise par spectroscopie optique 133-151
articol de periodic NICOLA, Norocel (autor) , TOMA, Constantin (autor) , PAVELESCU, Marian (autor) Protium dffusion in nuclear quality heavy water 153-163
articol de periodic MARTIN, D. (autor) , FITI, M. (autor) , RADU, A. (autor) , DRPGUȘIN, M. (autor) , COJOCARU, G. (autor) , OPROIU, C. (autor) Electron beam irradiation in polymeric systems 165-180
articol de periodic PENȚIA, M. (autor) , IORGOVAN, G. (autor) , MIHUL, Alexandru (autor) Multiple scattering error propagation in particle track reconstruction 181-191
articol de periodic TALASMAN, S. (autor) , SANDULOVICIU, M. (autor) On the genesis of spatio-temporal selforganized structures in plasma devices 193-207
articol de periodic KARACSONY, J. (autor) , BATIZ, Z. (autor) Weibel instability in warm relativistic electron beam-warm magnetized plasma system 209-215
articol de periodic DARIESCU, Marina-Aura (autor) , DARIESCU, C. (autor) Form-factors decompositions in heavy meson decays 217-222
articol de periodic BURZO, E. (autor) , URSU, I. (autor) , POP, V. (autor) , PĂCURARIU, C. (autor) The effect of copper substitution on the magnetic behaviour of YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting systems 223-228
articol de periodic ENĂCHESCU, M. (autor) I. Ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscope the microscope vibration damping system and microscope vacuum station 229-239
articol de periodic ENĂCHESCU, M. (autor) II. Ultra-high vacuum scanning tunneling microscope the microscope vibration damping system and microscope vacuum station 241-251
articol de periodic BIRJEGA, M. (autor) , POPA, S. (autor) , RĂU, S. (autor) , SANDU, V. (autor) , SÎRBU, C. (autor) Metastable phases in thin CrNi (50:) and CrNi(65:35) thin films and their influence on the electrical resistance VS temperature dependence 253-269
articol de periodic SANDU, V. (autor) , POPA, S. (autor) , ALDICA, Gheorghe (autor) , CIMPOIAȘU, Elena (autor) Pinning enhancement of lithium doped YBa2Cu3O7-x 271-278
articol de periodic REZLESCU, Nicolae (autor) , BUZEA, Cristina (autor) , BUZEA, Călin (autor) A brief overview on the theories of high temperature superconductors 279-296
articol de periodic BOCA, I. (autor) , IOVAN, S. (autor) Roughines characterization of smooth machined surfaceof silicon by optical ellipsometry 297-308
articol de periodic CHIRIAC, H. (autor) , MOHORIANU, S. (autor) A theoretical model designing the VSM 309-315
articol de periodic CHIRIAC, H. (autor) , POP, Gheorghe (autor) , BARARIU, F. (autor) , HRISTOFOROU, E. (autor) , OVARI, A. (autor) Magnetic hevaviour of the field-anneled amorphous FeSiB ribbons 317-323
articol de periodic NICULESCU, Ecaterina (autor) Screening currections effect on the binding energy of a donor in a quantum well 325-330
articol de periodic PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor) Studies on the spectral and temperature dependence of the optical birefringence of the nematic liguid crystal 4-cynophenyl-4'-pentyl benzoate 331-338
articol de periodic PLOSCEANU, Carmina (autor) , BACIU, Ion (autor) , HONCIUC, Maria (autor) , POPOVICI, Maria-Ana (autor) Some features of the optical detection of the liquid crystal mixtures phase transitions 339-345
articol de periodic REZLESCU, N. (autor) , POPA, P. (autor) , ANGHELACHE, R. (autor) About the thermal behaviour of the superconducting compound YBa2Cu3O7- around the critical temperature 347-351
articol de periodic COROPCEANU, V. (autor) , BORDIAN, V. (autor) , GAMURAR, V. (autor) Double exhange in nixed valence polynuclear clusters 353-361
articol de periodic PĂUNESCU, Niculina (autor) , COTARLEA, Monica (autor) , PUTGHEL, Lidia (autor) , GALERIU, D. (autor) , MOCANU, Nicolae (autor) , MĂRGINEANU, Romul (autor) Method to determine low levels of HTO in air 363-368
articol de periodic PENȚIA, M. (autor) Carbon and oxygen isotopic ratio bivariate distribution for marble artifacts quarry assignment 369-379
articol de periodic TRIPĂDUȘ, V. (autor) , BRATU, E. (autor) , CIUBUC, C. (autor) The experimental gamma-gamma probe for bulk analysis of ash contents in coal 381-386
articol de periodic GAȘPAR, R. (autor) Tracer tests to determine the impact of industrial activities on groundwater 387-400