Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ACATRINEI, Ciprian (autor) Darboux trabsformations in noncommutative mechanics 425-432
articol de periodic DIȚĂ, P. (autor) One method for construction of inverse ortogonal matrices 433-440
articol de periodic DIMA, M. (autor) , DULEA, M. (autor) , PAUNA, E. (autor) , PETRE, M. (autor) , MITRICĂ, B. (autor) , STOICA, M. (autor) , UDREA, M. (autor) , STERIAN, R. (autor) , STERIAN, P. (autor) The quantgrid project (RO)-Quantim security in grid computing applications 441-448
articol de periodic CRĂCIUN, D. (autor) , ISVORAN, A. (autor) , AVRAM, N. (autor) Statistical scaling laws reflecting structural properties of the hydrolases 449-455
articol de periodic POENARU, Dorin (autor) , GHERGHESCU, R. (autor) , PLONSKI, I. (autor) , SOLOV'YOV, A. (autor) , GREINER, W. (autor) Hemispheroidal atomic clusters on planar surfaces 457-466
articol de periodic BĂDICĂ, T. (autor) , POPESCU, I. (autor) , COJOCARU, V. (autor) , OLARIU, A. (autor) , PETRE, M. (autor) , GHEBOIANU, A. (autor) Ion-beam spectroscopic studies of the 69As nucleus 467-479
articol de periodic CONSTANTINESCU, B. (autor) , BUGOI, R. (autor) , OBERLANDER-TĂRNOVEANU, Ernest (autor) , PÎRVAN, Katia (autor) Medieval silver coins analyses by pixe and ED-XRF techniques 481-490
articol de periodic VASILESCU, A. (autor) , CONSTANTINESCU, B. (autor) , BUGOI, R. (autor) , CECCATO, D. (autor) Elemental mapping of moon soil and meteorite fragments 491-499
articol de periodic MIREA, Mihail (autor) Landau-Zener effect generalized for superfluid systems 501-513
articol de periodic BIBICU, I. (autor) , CREȚU, C. (autor) Mossbauer backscattering measurements on EU-151 515-519
articol de periodic PREDA, Liliana (autor) , SCARLAT, Eugen (autor) , MIHĂILESCU, Mona (autor) , PREDA, Alexandru (autor) Protonic crystal with cayley tree as photonic atom 521-528
articol de periodic HUSANU, A.M. (autor) , BALTOG, I. (autor) , BAIBARARAC, M. (autor) , PREDA, N. (autor) , MIHUȚ, L. (autor) , VELULA, T. (autor) , BUCUR, C. (autor) Absorption and liminescence properties of C70 aggregates in solvent mixtures 529-538
articol de periodic PETCU, A. (autor) , PREDA, L. (autor) The optical transmission of one-dimensional photonic crystal 539-546
articol de periodic ARABSHAHI, H. (autor) Low-field electron transport properties in zincblende and wurtzete GaN structures using an iteration model for solving Boltzmann equation 547-555
articol de periodic BARAN, I. (autor) , GANEA, C. (autor) , URSU, I. (autor) , MUSUMECI, F. (autor) , SCORDINO, A. (autor) , TUSISCO, S. (autor) , PRIVITERA, S. (autor) , LANZANO, L. (autor) , KATONA, E. (autor) , BARAN, V. (autor) , CIRRONE, G. (autor) , CUTTONE, G. (autor) , RAFFAELLE, L. (autor) , VALASTRO, L. (autor) Effects of nocodazole and ionizing radiation on cell proliferation and delayed lumiscence 557-567
articol de periodic CRĂCIUN, D. (autor) , ISVORAN, A. (autor) , AVRAM, N. (autor) Does fractal characteristics of hemoglobin change from one organism to another? 569-575
articol de periodic NICULESCU, O. (autor) , DIMITRIU, D. (autor) On the generation of stable complex oscillations in low-temperature plasma 577-584