Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic BUȘNEAG, Dumitru (autor) A representation theorem for maximallattice of quotients 219-222
articol de periodic CĂLIN, Constantin (autor) Totally contact umbilical cr-submanifolds of a Sasakian Manifold 223-232
articol de periodic CRISTEA, Victoria (autor) Asupra unor clase de mișcări cu vîrtej regulat 233-239
articol de periodic DĂNEȘ, Rodica (autor) A new proff for the existence of Banach limits 241-244
articol de periodic GAL, Sorin (autor) On the Kurzwell-Henstock integral in probability 263-269
articol de periodic IOACHIM, ZAHARIA (autor) Function germs defined on the arrangement of coordinate hyperplanes 271-282
articol de periodic MARCOV, Nicolae (autor) Mișcări staționare ale particulelor materiale 283-302
articol de periodic MIHNEA, Georgeta (autor) On the truncation recursive functions 303-312
articol de periodic MITITELU, Ștefan (autor) , STANCU-MINASIAN, Ioan (autor) On the quasiinvexity and semistrict quasiinvexity at a point 313-316
articol de periodic NHU, Pham (autor) Mean square exponential stability under Markov disturbances: inclusion cases 317-326
articol de periodic OVESEA, Horiana (autor) A generalization of the integral operators of Kim and Merkes and of Pfaltzgraff 327-331
articol de periodic PANTILIE, Radu (autor) On Yang-Mills connections and Riemannian submersions 333-335
articol de periodic POPA, Marin (autor) Concurrently firing in Petri-Nets, application in solvimg Dukstra's problem 337-347
articol de periodic DUȚĂ, Nicolae (autor) Representability and embeddability of P.Martin - Lof tests 345-262
articol de periodic RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor) On certain set equations 349-351
articol de periodic YOSHIMURA, M. (autor) , MIWA, Takuo (autor) , NOIRI, T. (autor) A generalization of regular flosed and G-closed functions 353-358
articol de periodic ZARA, Cătălin (autor) Asupra unei teoreme a lui D. Muller 359-363