Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic MIHALCEA, Toni (autor) Duality for multiobjective programming involving second order generalized type I functions 177-186
articol de periodic ULARU, Nicoleta (autor) , BREAZ, Daniel (autor) Inivalence conditions for analytic functions 187-192
articol de periodic GRUPI, Marilena (autor) , FERRO, Carmela (autor) Revlex ideals in the exterior algebra 193-201
articol de periodic MEHRDOUST, Farshid (autor) A randomized algorithm for estimating the condition number of matrices 203-210
articol de periodic ALIPANAH, Amjad (autor) Solution of Hallen's integral equation by using radial basis functions 211-220
articol de periodic KUNDU, Satyabrota (autor) On P-sasakian manifolds 221-232
articol de periodic PATRICHE, Monica (autor) Existence of rquilibrium for an abstract economy with private information and a countable space of actions 233-242
articol de periodic AMIRALIYEVA, I.G. (autor) Numerical method for a singularity perturbed differential system 243-248
articol de periodic CAO, Tingh-Bin (autor) , LIU, Kai (autor) , WANG, Jun (autor) On the growth of solutions of complex differential equations with entire coefficients finite logarithmic order 249-269
articol de periodic GORDII, Eshaghi (autor) , HOSSEINIOUN (autor) , VALADKHANI, A. (autor) On (-1)-weak amenability of Banach algebras 271-279
articol de periodic JAVED, Sana (autor) , TOMESCU, Ioan (autor) Chromatically equivalent k-nridge hypergraphs 281-285
articol de periodic IFTIMIE, Bogdan (autor) A portfolio optimization problem with a corporate bond 287-310