Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic CUCULESCU, I. (autor) Nonuniformly integrable nonnegative martingales 327-337
articol de periodic GUNERSEN, Roy (autor) Steady flow of a finitely cionducting incompressible fluid 339-358
articol de periodic IORDĂNESCU, Radu (autor) , POPOVICI, Iulian (autor) Graduations maximales associatives simples quaternioniennes 359-366
articol de periodic JAIN, Pawan (autor) Proximate order of an entire Dirichlet series of order /R) infinity 367-371
articol de periodic LUDVIK, Janos (autor) A remark on periodic maps 373-374
articol de periodic LEWIS, P.W. (autor) Some regularity conditions on vector meassures with finite semi-variation 375-384
articol de periodic POPA, Nicolae (autor) Sur les espaces nucleaires ordonnes 385-394
articol de periodic SHETH, I.H. (autor) Some results on hypomormal operators 395-398
articol de periodic SUBRAMANIAN, R. (autor) , RAMESH, K.S. (autor) A stochastic model for pulse campaign advertisements 399-406
articol de periodic TELEMAN, Silviu (autor) Sur les anneaux reguliers 407-434
articol de periodic VASILESCU, F.H. (autor) Analytic functions and some residual spectral properties 435-451
articol de periodic ZWLINKA, Bohdan (autor) Le groupe des S-automorphismes d'un langage 453-458
articol de periodic COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor) Special Functions - Talman James 459-459
articol de periodic COROI-NEDELCU, Mariana (autor) Ordinary differential equations - Brauer Fred, Nohel John 459-460
articol de periodic CUCULESCU, I. (autor) Analysis of Numerical Methods - Isaacson Eugen, Bidhop Keller Herbert 460-460
articol de periodic GOGONEA, Sorin (autor) Introducere în hidrodinamica corpurilor poroase - Gheorghiță Ștefan 461-462
articol de periodic GOGONEA, Sorin (autor) Theoretische Stromungslehre - Wieghardt K. 462-463
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Combinatorial identities - Riordan J. 463-464
articol de periodic POP, I. (autor) Fluid mechanics and singular perturbation - Kaplun Saul 464-464
articol de periodic ROMAN, Tiberiu (autor) Die Bewegungsgruppen der Kristallographie - Burckhard Johann Jacob 465-466
articol de periodic TOMESCU, I. (autor) Principes de commbinatoire - Berge C. 466-467
articol de periodic DUMA, Andrei (autor) Metric Spaces - Copson E.T. 468-468