Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic ALBRECHT, Ernst (autor) An example of a non-regular generalized scalar operator 983-985
articol de periodic ALBU, Toma (autor) Modules injectifs quasi cycliques 987-996
articol de periodic ANDRIEU, Colette (autor) , LANGRAND, Claude (autor) Estimateurs du quasi-maximum de vraisemblance por des processus de Markov a temps continu 997-1012
articol de periodic APOSTOL, Constantin (autor) Commutators on Hilbert Space 1013-1024
articol de periodic DANES, Josef (autor) On continuous convergence of sequences of linear mappings 1015-1049
articol de periodic APOSTOL, Constantin (autor) Commutators on Co-spaces and on l -spaces 1025-1932
articol de periodic BALABAN, Alexandru (autor) Trivalent graphs of girth nine and eleven and relationsships among cages 1033-1043
articol de periodic DOLLINGER, Michael (autor) , OBERAI, Kirti (autor) Maximal functional calculi 1051-1054
articol de periodic DOYLE, P.H. (autor) Standard decompositions in covering spaces 1055-1956
articol de periodic FRUNZĂ, Ștefan (autor) A characterization of regular Banach algebras 1057-1059
articol de periodic FRUNZĂ, Ștefan (autor) The single-valued extension property for coinduced operatrors 1061-1065
articol de periodic MAZILU, Petrișor (autor) On the contitutive law of Boltzmann-Volterra 1067-1069
articol de periodic MITITELU, Ștefan (autor) Programmes quasi convexes a contraintes lineaires 1071-1079
articol de periodic PERLMAN, S.J. (autor) On stepanoff's theorem and &-approximate derivatives 1081-1086
articol de periodic PU, H.W. (autor) , PU, H.H. (autor) Dini's type theorem for symmetric derivatives 1087-1090
articol de periodic REGHIȘ, M. (autor) , HIRIȘ, V. (autor) Controlabilite complete des equations fiferentielles lineaires dans les espaces de Hilbert 1091-1098
articol de periodic ROȘCULEȚ, Marcel (autor) Sur les invariants integraux. III. Systemes d'equations aux derivees partielle, iteres, associes aux T-invariants integraux 1099-1108
articol de periodic SINGER, Ivan (autor) On separable and dual spaces 1109-1121
articol de periodic BREZULEANU, A. (autor) , BRÎNZĂNESCU, V. (autor) Algebraic Geometry - Cort F. 1123-1124
articol de periodic BURGHELEA, Dan (autor) Surgery on onsimply-connected manifolds - Browder William 1124-1125
articol de periodic DEDIU, Mihai (autor) , DEDIU, Sofia (autor) On Automorphisms of Siegel Domains - Murakami Shingo 1125-1125
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, George (autor) Toposes Albebraic Geometry and Logic - Lawvere F.W. 1125-1126
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, George (autor) Introduction to Axiomatic sel theory - Krivine Jean-Louis 1126-1127
articol de periodic IOSIFESCU, Marius (autor) Chapters on the classical calculus of probability - Jordan Karoly 1127-1129
articol de periodic TOMESCU, Ioan (autor) Graph Theory - Harary F. 1129-1130