Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic APOSTOL, Constantin (autor) , FOIAȘ, Ciprian (autor) , VOICULESCU, Dan (autor) On the norm-closure of nilpotents. II 549-557
articol de periodic BASARAB, Șerban (autor) Cohomologie des petites categories 559-575
articol de periodic BERCOVICI, Hari (autor) A remark on "some results on nonquasitriangular opeerators" 577-577
articol de periodic BORGHESANI, Rinaldo (autor) On the use of improper functions in the study of phase equilibrium- I 579-385
articol de periodic FILDAN, Mircea (autor) Sur quelques properties algebriques de l'inverse generalise d'un operateur 587-603
articol de periodic FOIAȘ, Ciprian (autor) , ȘABAC, Mihai (autor) A generalization of Lie's theorem- IV 605-607
articol de periodic GHEORGHIȚĂ, V. (autor) Saint-Venant problems for non-homogenous orthotropic slightly curved beams 609-621
articol de periodic MĂRGĂRITESCU, Eugen (autor) , URSIANU, Emiliana (autor) On the partition of the null hypothesis in the one-way anova classification 665-676
articol de periodic SOFONEA, Liviu (autor) "invariantive rotator" and the exact solving of the motion equations 677-683
articol de periodic VRÎNCEANU, Gheorghe (autor) Fonctions de Morse sur les varietes quadratiques 685-688
articol de periodic VRÎNCEANU, Gheorghe (autor) Une classification topologique des courbes fermees 689-690
articol de periodic CUCULESCU, I. (autor) Positive Definite Kernels, Continuous Tensor Product and Control Limit Theorems of Probability Theory - Parthasarathy K.R., Schidt K. 691-692
articol de periodic DEDIU, Mihai (autor) Equivalent Pontrjagin Classes and Aplplications to Orbit Spaces-Applications of the G-signature Theorem to Transformation Groups, Symmetric Products and Number Theory - Zagier Don Bernard 693-694
articol de periodic GHEORGHIȚĂ, Ștefan (autor) Problems and Theoremrs in Analysis. Vol I. - Polya G., Szego G. 694-695
articol de periodic GHEORGHIȚĂ, Ștefan (autor) The Fascination of Groups - Budden F.J. 695-696
articol de periodic ISTRĂȚESCU, Vasile (autor) Bases in Banach Spaces - Singer Ivan 696-967
articol de periodic RUDEANU, Sergiu (autor) Allgemeine Topologie - Preuss G. 697-698