Tip Realizatori Titlul articolui Secțiunea Pagina Limba
articol de periodic FENSEL, J. (autor) Representation of Picard model formd by Theta constants 275-281
articol de periodic FUGLEDE, Bent (autor) Finely holomorphic functions. A Survey 283-295
articol de periodic HALANAY, Elena (autor) Normal surfaces of degree 5 in Pn 297-303
articol de periodic HOLZAPFEL, Rolf-Peter (autor) Discrete analysis of surface coverings. II 305-348
articol de periodic IONESCU, Paltin (autor) Ample and very ample divisions on surfaces 349-358
articol de periodic MARTIN, Bernd (autor) , PLISTER, Gerhard (autor) The Moduli of irreducible curve singularities with the semigroup =<5,11> 359-368
articol de periodic BALLICO, Edoardo (autor) On smooth curves with multisecant lines 367-274
articol de periodic NISHIMURA, Jun-Ichi (autor) Ideal-Adic complrtion of moetherian rings 369-373
articol de periodic SCHENZEL, Peter (autor) Examples of noetherian symbolic Blow-up rings 375-383
articol de periodic ZAROUF, Peter (autor) Spectre de l'extension d+une contraction de classe C1 et complement non unitaire (C.N.U.) 385-387
articol de periodic POP, Horia (autor) Darstellung und Begrundung einiger neuerer Ergebnisse der Funktionentheorie - Landau Edmund, Gaier Dieter 389-389
articol de periodic SPIRCU, Tiberiu (autor) The Art of C Programming - Jones Robin, Stewart Ian 389-389
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Materiasl Science in Space - Feuebacher B., Hamacher H., Naumann R.J. 389-389
articol de periodic STREINU, Ileana (autor) Programming with Sets. An Introduction to SETL - Scwartz J.T., Dewae R.B., Dubinsky E., Schonberg E. 390-390
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Differential and Difference Equation's - through Computer Experiments - Kocak Huseyin 390-390
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Lyapunov Expoments - Arnold L., Wihstutz V. 390-390
articol de periodic PUTINAR, Mihai (autor) Hermann Weyl - Centenary 1885-1985 - Chandrasekharan 391-391
articol de periodic STĂTILĂ, Șerban (autor) An Invitation to von Neumann Algebras. - Sunder V.S. 391-391
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Variational Methods for Free Surface Interfaces - Concus P., Finn R.S. 391-391
articol de periodic GEORGESCU, Adelina (autor) Global Analysis. Studies and Applications. Vol II - Borisovich Y.C., Gliklikh Y.E. 392-392
articol de periodic BOLINTINEANU, S. (autor) Contributions to Modern Calculus of Variations - Cesari Lamberto 392-393